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Mental Strength



Mental Strength – What Is It and How Can I Get Me Some?

It’s a question many of us ask: why do some people do well, even thrive, under stressful conditions while others crumble and self-destruct?

Why do some athletes thrive on pressure, and others consistently ‘choke’ under pressure?

Psychology researchers in all fields of human performance make it their job to study and apply the lessons learned through human behavior. There are critical moments in every human performance, moments that we call “make or break” moments.

These moments could be a brain surgeon performing his most difficult operation, a race car driver on a tight turn in a car worth millions, or a pro athlete in a final competition with his or her reputation and job on the line.

These are moments when not just physical skill, but “mental strength” kicks in.

What do we mean by mental strength?

Probably the best way to look at it is in terms of how our attitude affects our behavior and performance.

[color-box]Find out exactly how mentally tough you are with a complimentary Mental Strength Assessment. To take it, just go HERE[/color-box]

 For example, mentally strong athletes are more likely to:

  • Accept pain, discomfort and boredom;
  • Achieve relatively consistent performances regardless of the situation;
  • Control distractions and stay focused in critical moments of competition;
  • Sustain a positive and optimistic outlook, including when the situation is very challenging and the odds are stacked against them;
  • Maintain motivation and come back from significant disappointments or poor results;
  • Persevere when the ‘going gets tough’ even when others around them have given up.

I work with performers (athletes, business/sales people and artists) from all levels, recreational, armature up to professionals.  Each performer comes with his or her own unique physical and technical strengths. And each performer comes with his or her unique mental strengths. When all physical and tactical/technical elements are created equal, one quality will set performers apart from the others – their level of mental strength.

Sometimes I see individuals who has been identified by a coach, friend or boss as being extremely talented, but who is also very nervous or tight and seems to under-perform in critical situations.

Other individuals are doing well, and simply want to stay consistent and work on aspects of their mental strength to keep their results on an even keel. And still others come in on their own, to look for ways that they can work on things like setting realistic goals for themselves, dealing with competitive pressure, or managing a hot temper that has kept them from achieving peak performance.

I work with their strengths and work on their challenges. When the will is there, it’s amazing how far an individual can go if they set their mind to it – literally. Support and education for significant others, coaches and friends is also very important when reinforcing these kinds of positive changes as well.

So what is this elusive ‘mental strength’?

How is it obtained, and how can I get it, if I don’t have it already?

We are who we are through a unique blend of genetics and predetermined traits and the way we interpret and adapt to our environments. Early childhood experiences play a huge part in our personalities and our reactions to things like stress, but so do genetics and our predisposition from mom and dad.

Personality studies have often been met with controversy because the academic world can’t seem to decide on the best way to study personality. One thing seems certain in most personality or ‘mental resilience’ literature: it’s tough to do a complete overhaul on your personality, but you can influence and change your mental ‘resilience’ or toughness level. One way to do this is through education and using such things neuro linguistic programming, NLP for short.

There are many great resources in the field of performance psychology and one of them is Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior, or even better, Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior Live Intensive!

This book is an excellent resources, written in common language for individuals who want to work on anything from competitive anxiety, anger control, or focusing and controlling for distractions.  And at the intensive you’ll learn firsthand how to apply the principles.

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