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8 Simple Ways to Stop Overthinking

All of us have experienced this – the same thought keeps running through our mind, we think of the worst overthinkingscenario, and are unable to stop thinking about a person or a situation over and over. Though overthinking at times is okay, there are chronic overthinkers who keep thinking about conversations they had the day before, think multiple times before taking any decision, and imagine very bad outcomes all through the day.

Overthinkers suffer from stress and associated problems. Furthermore, researches have shown that overthinkers, who used their brain power to recall visual information that they witnessed, did less well compared to those who did not stress on their brain to remember such details. So, you need to get rid of this habit of thinking too much and to help you, given below are 8 simple ways to stop overthinking right now.

  1. Practice mindfulness

If you live in the present, then it will not be possible for you to worry about the next day or think about what happened the day before. So, try to put your complete self into whatever is happening at the present moment. Developing mindfulness will take some time, but once you get the hang of it, it will help prevent you from overthinking.

  1. Think about something else

When your mind keeps thinking the same thing over and over again you need to distract yourself mentally. If you simply try to stop the thoughts then that is not likely to happen. Instead, try to think about something peaceful, something positive. For instance, think about those things that you feel happy about and are grateful for. It can be the beautiful weather outside, your friend calling you after a long time, you met your parents after long, or maybe your pet. Research shows that those who use their brain power to refocus on neutral or positive thoughts are less depressed than those who keep focusing on those negative thoughts.

  1. Meditate

Meditation offers so many benefits like decreased depression, decreased anxiety, better learning capacity and memory, better self-awareness, and a lot more. If you meditate even for 10 minutes it can help you stop overthinking. The process of meditation is like a reflection that helps you understand deep within how things are and who you are. With even a small meditating session you can figure out how your overthinking mind is working. Once you have this awareness, the negativities associated with it will melt away.

  1. Get some exercise

Exercise pushes your mind’s reboot button, and in such an amazing way. Once you go out for a brisk walk,lift weights,  jog, or run, you are sure to come back with quite a different state of mind. In fact, it is quite possible that you are overthinking because you have an excess of energy stored within that has not been burned off. So, start practicing any kind of exercise you like, swimming, bicycling, or maybe hit the gym, and feel invigorated and relaxed.

  1. Listen to music

Many, many people find this helpful. Just listening to your favorite song or band can help relax your mind to a great extent and can even help you get a good night’s sleep. You may even turn on any music you like and sing along and even dance. Dancing gets you involved in some physical activity too, and as already mentioned above it is really good for you if you wish to stop overthinking. Just remember that sad songs or any songs that may remind you of your ex-boyfriend, or any situation that can make you feel bad again, needs to be banned from your playlist, at least for now. Music has the power to influence our behavior and mood, so play something that will help uplift your mood.


  1.  Write out your thoughts

A great practice to get thoughts out of your head is to simply write them down. Before you start writing down you need to listen. Do not write those things you simply want to. Instead, carefully listen to what your mind has to say. Focus on every thought in your head the way it appears, and write them down as if they are speaking to you. After you have finished writing, address your thoughts out loud. Though this may seem funny, you are having a real conversation with yourself. You are successfully addressing your thoughts and then concluding each conversation. This way you will be able to silence your thoughts.

  1. Change your environment

Changing your environment can also prove to be of great help. Visit a different library, park, or coffee shop. Environment change makes you feel fresh, and this can help distract you from your negative thoughts. Also, if you have negative people around you try to stay away from them and instead be in the company of positive people. When you are with positive people you start adopting their thinking patterns, and also start thinking positively.

  1. Take a nap

This is something most people neglect, and what you must give importance to if you want to enjoy a positive mindset and avoid overthinking. Remember, if you do not get a good nap you become more vulnerable to pessimism and worrying. You also are not able to think as clearly as you otherwise do. So, to avoid all this from happening you must get a good night’s sleep.

To make sure you enjoy a comfortable and undisturbed sleep, first and foremost make sure your bedroom is nice and warm. If you easily get awaken by noises then you can use earplugs. At least an hour before you hit the bed stop using your phone or TV. Instead, read a book or listen to music as these help calm your senses. Just follow all these and you surely will enjoy a much better sound sleep.

So, these are a few simple tips that will certainly help you stop overthinking. Just make sure to follow one or a few of them as soon as you find yourself overthinking, and you definitely will feel more relaxed and will prevent yourself from straining your brain too much.

Author Bio

Jack Costello is a 38 year old professional bodybuilding coach and writer. Graduated with a Master in Physical Education from the University of Fordham, he’s well-known in the fitness and bodybuilding industry. He is regarded as a trustworthy writer in his neutrality regarding the analysis of each of the products mentioned on this website. He currently works as a freelancer for Swol Headquarters.

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