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Warrior Mind Podcast



Here and Now For Personal Power: Warrior Mind Podcast #186

This Warrior Mind Podcast is based on the post “Living in the Present for Personal Success.”

The purpose of this Warrior Mind Podcast is to encourage you to dream of your future success while focusing on the here and now.

Who cares what you WILL be doing? All that matters is what you ARE doing.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s vital to create a vision for your future, but this is just talk unless you do something about it in the here and now. Ultimately it is the actions you take here and now that distinguishes your level of personal success.

Also keep in mind that even if you ARE doing something about getting to where you want to be, it is still being active towards where you WILL eventually be.

One good question to ask yourself is, “Am I presently taking the necessary actions to lead me to my desires or am I straying away from them?”

If you notice yourself moving further from your goals, stop and evaluate what you are doing. Perhaps you became distracted from your original intentions and just need to get back on track.

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Enjoy This Warrior Mind Podcast on the Here and Now

Actively being in the here and now is an integral part of the success process. As you take each step, pour your passion into your actions. Become immersed in your passion.

Dedicate some time to it. Focus your intent into accomplishing each single task at hand. Most of all enjoy the process.

Don’t bother stressing about the future, just keep that positive outlook on the future.

As you take all the numerous steps in the process, you WILL become your desire, and can honestly say, “I AM there!”

Taking steps while being in the in the here and now leads you to a prosperous future.

One of the phrases that stuck with me from the Seth books was the phrase “Your point of power is in the present,” the here and now. The clear message was that you can look ahead and predict things, or you can look behind and remember things, but you always do it from the present…from the here and now.

But more than that, I read that past and future can change based on your focus in the present. The message that I came to understand was that you can have anything you want, and that time is an illusion. If you decide that you want to be an actor, for example, you can be an actor…as long as you give it your full focus and connected attention. Once you do, your past begins to change to justify the new condition. Your new focus of acting activates memories and feelings that you “forgot” in your past.

Your new “past” will seem to add up to your present, and you will feel a powerful reason to live fully in the reality of “actor.” And at the same time, your future will realign to reflect your new path as well. You will point to new experiences and manifestations in your imagined future that will match your present point of focus.

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