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10 Ways to Embrace The Power of the Jester Archetype

I don’t know about you but I LOVE archetypes and mythology. I reached a point in my spiritual seeking and growth where I lacked context. Where do I fit in? Where am I on life’s path? What’s the point to all this? And then I discovered mythology – and archetypes, symbols and stories.

Embracing Your Jester Archetype

Because modern society can be more than a little stiff – full of rules, expectations and limitations. Not only that, but modern life can be stressful and wearing. Well, the Jester Archetype can help you break through your barriers, be more resilient, enjoy life more – and have more success…

So, what is an Archetype?

Archetypes, mythology and stories help us understand the universal life journey – to find love, community, meaning and purpose. In this context, archetypes are simply placeholders for typical ‘roles’ on this universal life journey.

Common examples of archetypes that we see in stories and films are the Heroine, the Warrior, the Ruler (King or Queen), the Martyr – and the Jester and/or Trickster. Exploring archetypes has helped put my life in context.

It has helped me say, “Ah – I’m HERE in the universal life journey!” or “Maybe I could develop more of this quality to move forwards”, or “Oh so that’s where I’m sabotaging myself!”

We’re pretty obsessed with the Hero in modern culture. And sadly, the Jester is often portrayed negatively – think deceitful tricksters (the Joker in Batman) or the naive fool that gets taken advantage of – or is devoured first in horror movies!

But when the Jester archetype has been developed fully within us – it is WISE. In fact the Wise Jester is one of the MOST spiritually developed archetypes out there.

Think Yoda in Star Wars, Elsbeth Tascioni in The Good Wife and that in Buddhism “beginners mind” – being open and playful – is considered the height of wisdom.

So, why am I writing about the Jester now?

Well, I have a LOT going on in my life at the moment. Too much really. I’m travelling back and forth to Boston working a deal with a large sales training company, I’m putting together Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior Intensive and putting on a 6-week “change” workshop…in addition to writing blog posts, newsletter and recording podcasts.

So I’ll admit, I’m feeling overwhelmed and tired. I noticed that I’m making it worse for myself by wishing things were different to reality (a sure-fire path to misery!).

Back To The Jester Archetype:

The Jester is often seen in stories alongside the King or Ruler. In these stories, the Jester’s job is to deflate the ego of the Ruler – and to say (in jest) what needs to be said, but no-one else is willing to say out loud. The Jester is protected – and has a special role – above the politicking and machinations of ‘court’. The Jester is clever and wise, speaks the truth and challenges authority – but softens the blow with humor.

Finally, the Jester is resilient – not caring what other people think, laughing at life’s difficulties and challenges, and getting back up – again and again – after being knocked down. In current culture our political satirists and comedians are often the Wise Jester.

Strengths of the (Wise) Jester archetype:

  • A lack of concern about what other people think of them.
  • Trusting the process – enjoying the journey and letting things be rather than trying to control them.
  • Living in the present moment – because that is all there is.
  • Living life as a game – seeing the lighter side of darker situations.
  • Poking fun at the ego (or society’s rules).
  • No matter what, the Jester has a zest for life!

10 Awesome Ways the (Wise) Jester Archetype Could Increase Your Success:

1 – Lighten up a Difficult Situation: Use the Fool’s ability to see the humor in a situation to uncover the silver lining (and even the funny side) of a difficult or challenging situation in your life.

2 – Get More Energy: Use the Jester’s view that life is a game to allow expression of your playful side at work (or maybe at home!). When we have fun, life is easier and we move forwards with less effort.

3 – Have More Fun: Use the Jester’s zest for life and make decisions based on what gives you joy and pleasure (instead of doing the sensible thing). Do something unusual or exciting, just for the fun of it! You may find this leads to unexpected successes both in business and life…

4 – Get Creative! Use the Jester’s inventiveness to come up with creative and unusual solutions to problems and obstacles.

5 – Say What Needs to be Said: Use the Jester’s lack of worry re: what other people think to say what needs to be said. Or simply share your wisdom in situations where you might usually ‘hide your light under a bushel’.

6 – Be in the moment: Use the Jester’s ability to be present to enjoy life now, despite what else may be going on in the bigger picture of your life.

7 – Stay committed: Use the Jester’s trust in the process to worry less and stay committed to yourself during a difficult situation or challenging time of your life.

8 – Kick-start the next stage of your life: Use the Jester’s dancing mind and hunger for fun and adventure – to give you the push you need for the next step of your journey.

9 – Get Back on the Horse: Use the Jester’s resilience – to help you get back up after a difficulty, or after several difficulties. Keep going – and still embrace life, despite setbacks.

10 – Breakout! Challenge the rules and/or authority where they’re getting in your way. Use the Jester’s irreverence to challenge the rules, to do something new and inventive and break the barriers of what is normal and expected!

For many of us the Wise Jester shows up as a matter of course as we get older. A shorter life span ahead of us can lead to a focus on enjoying life, to stop worrying what others think of us, to learn that we can handle life’s setbacks and to choose to focus on the positive.

But the great thing about archetypes is that they provide a model for us to learn from NOW – to consciously choose to develop qualities that will serve us – and help us have more success and happiness in life.

I’ll leave you with these questions:

  • How much is the Jester archetype currently expressed in your life?
  • How much would you LIKE it to be expressed in your life?
  • Who do you know who uses the Jester archetype successfully in their lives?
  • What could you learn from them?
  • Where specifically could the Wise Jester archetype help you have more success in your life?
  • Inspired by the Jester archetype, what ONE thing will you choose to do differently in your life?

Want to explore your personal archetypes in more depth?  Then consider taking part in the one-on-one, private retreat The Warriors Quest.

You are your biggest supporter.

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