Taking Care of Your Body: Warrior Mind Podcast #452
Over four years and going strong! With over 800,000 downloads from over 9 countries and 5 continents’…. this is the Warrior Mind Podcast.
In this episode of the Warrior Mind Podcast I’m going to discuss the importance of taking care of your body. This might be obvious, but it still needs to be talked about.
The Importance of Taking Care of Your Body
In this life, you only got one body, so there is need to take Care of it. Guideline on how to care for our organization is however inconsistent and perplexing and hence not easy to know on what to do and not to do. Surprisingly, many people end up giving up on taking Care of themselves as making the right decision is a big challenge.
Nonetheless, inputting a little science and some common sense can help you work out what is best for you and your body as well.
In this article, we will explain three aspects of body caring. These are food; diet and nutrition; exercise, and rest/sleep. The three offers a framework into which you can think about doing the right body caring.
Thinking framework
When undertaking an aspect
for body care, there are always three questions to ask:
• What do I want to do?
• What is best for me?
• What am I going to do?
The first aspect corresponds to your emotion. It involves how you feel, what you dream of doing, whether what you eat when you take asleep or the extent of exercise you do.
The second implies significant reasons for the current situation and tend to ask what you think.
You, however, need to strike a balance between the two aspects and come up with a decision on what you undertake in every situation.
A lot of times you find that what you want to do corresponds with what you know you should be doing.
For example, you might be having a feeling to take up a bike ride since its sun shining or as well go to bed since you feel tired.
At some point, you might feel much attracted to undertaking something which you know it’s not worthy of giving it a chance.
Other instances, you might feel to taste an extra slice of chocolate cake or forego exercise since you feel much tired. Ideally, the best way is to remember that you do not have to be right at all times.
Most frequently, it’s fine to stick on your conscience and take a chocolate bit, or idle in bed over the whole day. It’s, however vital to remember that doing that often comes with consequences. For instance, if by chance you eat in excess, and fail to exercise, the chances are that you will end up being overweight, which can result in chronic diseases such as diabetes.
By all chance, you need to give yourself a break but avoid bad company since when it became a habit, breaking the chain can be a challenge.
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More on Taking Care of Your Body
Rest and sleep
The scientists have over years been researching aspects of rest and sleeping, yet we have not found concrete evidence on why we sleep.
Even with little information on why we must rest, we understand that sleeping is an essential way of ensuring overall personal well-being. To be less of sleep can be a danger since it inhibits our ability to do things such as driving and can easily make us ill.
The need for sleeping differs depending on an individual. An essential trick is to establish your sleeping patterns. Once you know them, ensure you get enough sleep regularly so that you can be more productive in work.
Food, Diet, and Nutrition
The most commonly used phrase “you become what you eat” has over years become a bit cliché though it has not lost its basic facts.
Majority of us understands that processed food contains high-fat content, salt, and sugar and that there is a need to eat fresh fruits and vegetables frequently for a balanced diet.
Cases of high blood pressure, obesity, Type 1 diabetes, and high body cholesterol level, which are more common in modern life are a result of poor diet.
But what can we term as a healthy diet?
You need first to note that when the number of calories you take exceeds the amount that is utilized by the body, you stand a high likelihood of putting excess weight. On the contrary, when calories number you use goes below what you take, you lose weight.
It is just but that simple
A lot of scientists nowadays say that control of the portion is the essential aspect of healthy eating.
One of the essential diet elements you should at all times, take is protein. Proteins are the bodybuilding blocks for cell, bones, blood, muscles, and organs. You should, therefore, learn about them and how the body uses them to ensure you stay healthy. On the other hand, fat is also essential elements in our diet. We can’t live without fats in our body since it’s the only reliable source of energy in the body. You also need to update yourself on fats and the type of food that contains adequate fats for our body.
Far away from proteins and fats, we have carbohydrates which are also helpful when in the diet. Most people miss the point by consuming too many carbs. To learn about a balanced diet, you need to know about carbohydrates and how their intake affects our metabolism. Lastly, you need to learn about the glycemic index and how it talks about foods that are rich in carbohydrates.
Food rich in fiber is essential in ensuring a healthy digestive system and metabolism. Diet with high fiber can as well help you lose weight and eliminate heart diseases.
Vitamins are other elements in diet vital for your body health. Ideally, vitamins have around 13 functions that help keep our bodies healthy. You need to learn about diet elements and how the body uses them for our benefits.
Everyone knows the need for taking a frequent workout.
In a nutshell, what does exercise means and what importance can we get?
Twenty minutes is the most recommended time for medium intense exercise every day. This time is enough to raise your heart rate significantly. As you get used to exercising, you can increase to three longer sessions a week.
Majority of people gives excuses that they do not have time for exercise. Work out is however, for self-benefits, and no one should be forced. Even though exercise intensity and recommendations changes with time, nobody can say exercise has done wrong to him or her. Its good to note that long periods of activity can backfire negatively on your health.
Even if you can’t take intense exercise for one reason or the other, a small workout can help you significantly.
Starting with a small exercise is an easy way to get yourself into an exercise program. This is more so if the only activity you had been doing is lifting a TV remote or walking towards your car.
For a more in-depth discussion about this topic request your Introductory Consultation.
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