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Survival Training Urban Style – Taking a Peak At What It Is

Most people who take urban survival seriously would be equally serious about looking for a systematic way to learn survival skills and this would entail looking for a good urban survival training course. It is quite easy to find organizations that offer live-in seminars, workshops and lectures on urban survival training but it takes a bit more effort to find the one that would be right for you.

The Right Approach To Survival Training

If you believe that it is important to be prepared for disasters and you believe there is a likelihood that some catastrophe will take place then you are not the only person who thinks this way.  However, there is a big difference between this level of thinking and the disposition of so-called doomsday prophets who drum up fear and paranoia. This is one of the things you need to bear in mind so that if you do attend a survival training course you will be able to get the most from it. The right approach is very important so you can begin to learn things that are useful to you.

Some survival training courses will be run by organizations that have strong militaristic tendencies. Typically they will talk about trying to get fatigues, learning to use guns and taking self-defense classes. Some will lean towards wilderness survival training and will not have as much to offer in terms of meeting the needs of urban dwellers. When you try to find a course to attend, it is important that you know what you want and recognize the nuances of the different courses that are offered.

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Skills Taught in Urban Survival Training

Usually survival training camps and institutions will offer you a choice of courses that may last for half a day or two days or more. The methodology used in these trainings will combine seminars and lectures with field work. Most will require you to work both individually or in groups. The trainings are usually conducted in camps outside of the city with survivalists as teachers.

Most survival training courses have common subjects that are considered standard fields in urban survival. Here is a brief description of each subject.

  • Survival kit construction would be the most basic of survival courses. This can take as little as three hours to complete. This course provides comprehensive instruction on planning and acquiring a survival kit as well as how to make sure your kit is always accessible.
  • Compass and map reading skills are also taught in most survival courses. This is particularly important for people who plan to evacuate to the country or to wilderness retreats but it is also useful for people who are urban bound.
  • Firecraft skills are an essential part of trainings for survival. Participants learn to build fires with different materials such as matches, lighters, spark rods, electricity, optics and various tinder materials. Participants are also taught how to keep fires burning safely.
  • Building survival shelters is a skill that is extremely needed in the wilderness but it may have its uses in urban areas as well. Usually participants learn to put up tents and to make one or two alternative shelters.
  • Selection and use of tools such as survival knives. This is actually part of a broader course on security and protection.
  • Ensuring a safe food supply. This includes finding and purifying water; collecting and storing foods that are free from contamination.
  • Making your home secure and disaster-proof. This provides instruction on basic steps to take in order to make your home safe from looters, radiation, earthquakes and floods.

Undergoing training for urban survival is not at all an uncommon idea and more and more people are beginning to feel that the activity makes sense. If you feel the same way then go ahead and look for a course to attend – just make sure that the course you pick is the right one for you.

To help with your urban survival training you must work on your mind as well.  Pick up a copy of Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior today and get going!

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