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Mental Strength



Cultural Diversity For Personal Success: Mental Strength Tip #169

Embracing cultural diversity is an essential aspect for personal growth and personal success.cultural diversity

In order to progress in our human development we must take time to ask questions and contemplate various topics of personal growth, such as embracing cultural diversity, which is exactly the intention of these virtual personal coaching sessions.

These virtual personal coaching sessions are to assist you in your self-improvement, personal growth and personal development.

It is intended to create self-empowerment and inspire you to take action so that you can reach your personal goals and personal success.

I take a personal growth topic, in this case embracing cultural diversity and give an overview about it.  Then I’ll continue by asking a series of mental strength questions.  I’ll wrap-up with a summary and some final thoughts.

Take your time with this topic, carefully consider your responses to the questions and write them down.  Personal growth is not supposed to be easy, it takes courage to face yourself.  But when you develop the courage and mental strength to do actually this, you will be building confidence.

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Objective of this Mental Strength Tip on Cultural Diversity

To help you see that cultural diversity is a strategic advantage in achieving success.  This is because people from different backgrounds and beliefs have their own unique perspective and sense of the world.

Let’s Get Started:

Diversity plays a key role in business and personal success, as it allows businesses and individuals to draw from the best talent regardless of personal demographics. Still, the inclusion of different ethnic, religious, sexual identity and gender groups may make some individuals uncomfortable.

With coaching sessions on diversity, building team dynamics and linking diversity to the success, individuals can make great strides toward promoting diversity and inclusion in the business world.

Questions to Uncover Beliefs about Cultural Diversity:

  • Do you believe cultural diversity could be a strategic advantage in business?
  • Why do you believe cultural diversity has been overlooked by the masses as strategic advantage?
  • Why do the masses discriminate against people from diverse background and beliefs?

Unsupportive Beliefs about Cultural Diversity:

  • Embracing diversity is about political correctness.
  • Embracing diversity is an exercise in tolerance.
  • Embracing diversity is about doing the right thing.

Mental Strength Beliefs about Cultural Diversity:

  • Embracing diversity is about tapping into the potential of people from different backgrounds and experiences.
  • Embracing diversity is an exercise in strategic thinking.
  • Embracing diversity is about intelligent business strategy.

Outrageous Questions about Cultural Diversity:

  • If you were to embrace diversity at a higher level would you be more successful?
  • Could diversity be the competitive advantage you’ve been looking for?
  • What beliefs would you have to enhance in order to embrace diversity at a higher level?

Reflective Questions on Cultural Diversity:

  • What would you have to let go of in order to embrace diversity?
  • What action steps could you take immediately to being using diversity as a competitive advantage?
  • What seemingly complex problem you’re struggling with could you use as a test to the power of tapping into the mind of someone from a different background or belief system?

Mental Strength Coaching on Cultural Diversity:

Diversity is about empowering people. It makes an organization effective by capitalizing on all of the strengths of each employee. It is not EEO or Affirmative Action. These are laws and policies. While on the other hand, diversity is understanding, valuing, and using the differences in every person.

To obtain that competitive edge, you need to grow your groups into teams that use the full potential of every individual. Teams are much more than a group. A group is collection of individuals where each person is working towards his or her own goal, while a team is a collection of individuals working towards a common goal or vision.

This helps to create a synergy effect with teams. . . that is, one plus one equals more than one. An individual, acting alone, can accomplish much; but a group of people acting together in a unified force can accomplish great wonders. This is because team members understand each other and support each other.

Their main goal is to see the team accomplish its mission. Personal agendas do not get in the way of team agendas. By using the synergy effect of teams you create a competitive advantage over other organizations who are using people acting alone. You are getting more for your efforts!

Final Thought on Cultural Diversity:

Teams that develop the best, most innovative and effective outcome are generally the most diverse teams.

The term team has become synonymous for people who work on the same project. But frequently this group of colleagues does not function as a team and therefore do not reap the benefits of working together. One of the challenges is leveraging the diversity of the team.

To achieve the best outcome, each individual member of a team must not only have diverse skill sets, experiences, and talents, but they must also respect differences and encourage full participation of every member.

More often than not it is differences that can cause disconnect in a team and prevent true team formation and the best outcome. It is the leader’s responsibility to initiate and maintain an environment that connects each of members in a manner that facilitates collaboration and promotes productivity and harmony despite their differences.

Get started today on creating this shift in perception and request your Introductory Consultation by going HERE.

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