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6 Rules of the Game of Life: A Path to Prosperity and Joy

Hey there, I’m Gregg Swanson!

My journey has taken me from the dojo to the summit and the sales floor to spiritual retreats.

Over the last 20 years, I’ve coached individuals to harness their mental and emotional strength. Ready to create your best day yet?

Let’s begin with understanding the rules of the game of life.

Introduction to the Rules of the Game of Life

Have you ever felt like life was playing by a set of rules no one bothered to share with you? I’ve been there too—feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and wondering why things don’t seem to fall into place. Then, one day, I stumbled upon a profound truth: life isn’t a chaotic struggle; it’s a game—a game governed by universal laws. When you grasp the Rules of the Game of Life, you step into a world of possibilities, where success, peace, and abundance aren’t just dreams; they’re your reality.

This article is your guide to these rules, drawn from timeless wisdom and personal experiences. Let’s explore how your thoughts, words, and actions can reshape your life into a masterpiece.

The Game of Life

Rules of the Game of Life the game of life

Here’s the kicker: life isn’t out to get you. It’s not a battlefield—it’s a game. And like any game, it has rules. The first rule? Life reflects what you put into it. Think of your thoughts, words, and actions as seeds. What you plant grows. Plant love, faith, and generosity, and you’ll reap abundance. Plant fear, doubt, or anger, and life will mirror those back.

I learned this lesson the hard way. For years, I fixated on what wasn’t working in my life, and guess what? I kept attracting more of the same. But when I shifted my focus—when I started imagining success, speaking positivity, and acting with purpose—everything changed. Opportunities seemed to appear out of nowhere. It wasn’t magic; it was alignment.

The Rules of the Game of Life are simple yet profound: believe in the good, and it will find you. Neglect this rule, and you’ll find yourself stuck in a loop of frustration. Life’s a mirror; make sure what you’re reflecting is worth seeing.

The Power of Faithful Words

The Power of Faithful Words

Words are powerful. They’re like spells you cast into the world. When you speak with faith and intention, you activate the universal forces to work in your favor. But careless words? They can sabotage even your best efforts.

I once had a friend who constantly joked about “always being broke.” It was her way of coping, but the universe doesn’t distinguish between humor and intention. Her finances never improved until she changed her narrative. She started affirming, “Money flows to me effortlessly.” Within months, her financial situation took a turn for the better.

The Rules of the Game of Life demand that we speak with clarity and purpose. Replace self-deprecating humor with empowering affirmations. Instead of saying, “I’m not good at this,” try, “I’m learning and growing every day.” Watch how your world transforms.

The Echo of Our Words

The Echo of Our Words

Have you ever thrown a stone into a still pond and watched the ripples? That’s what our words do. Every word we speak creates ripples that echo back to us. The universe is listening, and it’s always responding.

A few years ago, I caught myself saying, “Nothing ever goes right for me.” And, surprise, life seemed to agree. Once I realized this, I started saying, “Everything is working out in my favor.” At first, it felt fake. But over time, those ripples returned as opportunities, solutions, and blessings.

The Rules of the Game of Life remind us that words aren’t just sounds—they’re vibrations that shape reality. Choose your words wisely, because they’re boomerangs that always come back.

The Art of Flow

The Art of Flow

Resistance is exhausting. We’ve all been there—pushing against circumstances, trying to control outcomes. But what if the secret to winning the game is letting go?

I’ll never forget the time I wanted a job so badly that I obsessed over it. I planned, strategized, and stressed…and I didn’t get it. When I finally let go of the outcome, trusting that something better was on its way, another opportunity—one I couldn’t have imagined—landed in my lap.

The Rules of the Game of Life teach us to flow with life rather than resist it. Trust the process. When you align with the flow, you’ll find that the universe often delivers more than you dared to dream.

The Boomerang of Life

The Boomerang of Life

Here’s a sobering thought: whatever energy you put out comes back to you. Life’s a boomerang. Throw kindness, and it returns. Throw negativity, and it circles back.

Once, I was caught up in resentment toward a colleague. My frustration festered, and it seemed like every interaction with them got worse. Then, I decided to try something different. I started silently wishing them success and happiness. Within weeks, our dynamic shifted. The tension evaporated, and collaboration became easy.

The Rules of the Game of Life remind us that we’re always planting seeds. Choose seeds of forgiveness, love, and generosity. Watch how they blossom.

Trusting the Divine Flow

Life isn’t random; it’s orchestrated by a higher intelligence. But trusting that flow? That’s the tricky part.

I once worked with someone who was desperate to fix their financial struggles. Their focus on scarcity only seemed to amplify their lack. I suggested a simple shift: act as though abundance was already theirs. They started donating small amounts, decluttering their space, and expressing gratitude for what they had. Within months, they found a new job and regained financial stability.

The Rules of the Game of Life urge us to trust the divine flow. Act with faith. Prepare as though your desires are already on their way. When you align your energy with trust, the universe conspires to support you.


The Rules of the Game of Life aren’t just abstract ideas; they’re practical tools for transformation. Speak with faith, act with intention, and trust the process. Life is ready to give you everything you desire—if you’re willing to play by its rules.

Now, it’s your turn. What seeds will you plant today? How will you speak, act, and align with your highest good? Remember, the game isn’t won through struggle—it’s mastered through flow.

Let’s start planting seeds for your best life, right here and now. Share your thoughts below or reach out if you’re ready to dive deeper into mastering the game. Together, we’ll turn your life into a masterpiece.

You are your biggest supporter.

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