TFAR and Personal Success: Warrior Mind Podcast #322
Over four years and going strong! With over 400,000 downloads from over 9 countries and 5 continents’…. this is the Warrior Mind Podcast.
In this episode of the Warrior Mind Podcast I’m going to go over the TFAR formula and how it relates to personal performance and personal success.
We live in two worlds; the inner world of thoughts and emotions, the outer word of results.
The TFAR model explains how both these worlds are connected.
Enjoy this podcast TFAR and personal success.
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The main premise of the Warrior Mind System is that a person’s beliefs create their reality. These beliefs create thoughts, which in turn, evoke emotions. It is the emotions that create the need for action or the opposite…. the fear in not taking action. The action (or lack of) produces the results…your reality. Reality is the result (the effect) of a set of beliefs (the cause) which started their manifestation as thoughts. The TFAR model suggests that Thoughts leads to Feelings, which in turn, leads to Action that creates Results. In basic terms, this is the Law of Cause and Effect.
T: Thoughts – You have thousands of them in a day. In our sojourn together it will be more productive to understand that there are no “good” or “bad” thoughts, only thoughts that are empowering or disempowering. Depending on your goals and desired outcomes, your thoughts will either be supportive or non-supportive. The investigation of these thoughts is at the heart of Warrior Mind Strength System.
F: Feelings – Once you are conscious of your thoughts and their qualities you’ll then be able to access the unique feelings and sensations associated with them. These “gut feelings” are many times mislabeled, misidentified or simply dismissed. Once awareness is developed about your feelings, the connection with Action is easily related.
A: Action – A persons’ actions (or lack of) are fueled by their Feelings. You can be inspired to take action, afraid to take action or indifferent in taking action. But notice how there is a specific Feelings associated with each action. It is the Action that will create your results.
R: Results – This is where it all comes together…this is the reality YOU created. Funny thing about reality…to untrained observer it appears that reality creates the feelings and then the thoughts follow. Warrior Mind System will assist you in taking control of your thoughts…then your desired results will automatically follow.
Thoughts and feelings are invisible, part of your “inner-world.” Your results are visible, part of your “outer-world.” Your action is the bridge between the two worlds.
(T+F) + A = R
You Can’t Improve What You Can’t Measure
The Mental Toughness Questionnaire is an assessment that determines someone’s Mental Strength…at this moment. The questionnaire also provides tips on improving your Mental Strength. You can request the Mental Toughness Assessment by going to
Request an Introductory Consultation right now if you wish to learn additional information on expectations, confidence and acceptance.
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