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Warrior Mind Podcast



Health and Fitness and Personal Success: Warrior Mind Podcast #174

This Warrior Mind Podcast is based on the post “Body Weight and Personal Success.”

For more information the 3 day intensive workshop, please go to Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior Intensive.

The purpose of this Warrior Mind Podcast is to get you to think about the role your body weight plays in your health, success and life.

There’s ample evidence to suggest a link between body weight and financial success. A study of business school graduates by Harvard Medical School found that men who were at least 20 percent above their “desirable” weights made $4,000 less per year compared with their leaner colleagues, and the earnings gap widened over the years.

In another study, researchers analyzed income and attractiveness and found that men and women rated as unattractive suffered a 10 and 5 percent income deficit, respectively, compared with those of average looks. Those rated as attractive, on the other hand, enjoyed a 5 and 4 percent premium, respectively.

Of course, beauty is at least somewhat in the eye of the beholder, but the authors of the income and attractiveness study note there is broad consensus about what is attractive in our culture today, and among the qualities is leanness.

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Enjoy This Warrior Mind Podcast on Health and Fitness and Personal Success

 It’s no mystery to successful people that there is direct correlation between sound health and fitness and success in their career and personal lives. Take of moment to recall a successful person you know and they likely show up at the health club consistently, work with a personal trainer, or get up a few minutes early for a heart elevating jog.

Successful people like to jump start their day with an abundance of energy and the feel-good endorphins that exercise offers. Recent studies identify the direct correlation between health and fitness and success.

More Benefits of Health and Fitness

Better ability to focus, improved confidence and enhanced ability to follow through were directly attributed to improved fitness levels according to a 2007 University of Georgia study. Further, a leading executive search company surveyed more than 1,300 executives who earn $100,000 or more annually. When asked to describe their perceptions of weight and work, 75 percent said good physical fitness is “critical for career success at the executive level.” Seventeen percent, by contrast, said staying in shape is “a nice goal, but secondary to fiscal fitness.”

The founder and CEO of that executive search firm said, “Good physical health and fitness is critical to success as an executive in today’s work world. The days of a little extra padding being a sign of maturity and success are gone.”  When asked about obesity, 75% of executives said that being overweight is a “serious career impediment.”

Do these responses reflect our obsession with weight loss and mirror the constant barrage of skinny images in popular culture? Probably not. Rather, there is a very strong link between improved health and fitness and increase productivity, enhanced ability to solve problems, superior stamina & energy, not to mention reduced stress and fatigue, all leading to better job performance.

It goes well beyond looking good. Fit people tend to have better eating habits and miss fewer days at work due to a higher resistance to illness. And with competition continually increasing in every industry, companies are now rewarding employees and managers who miss less work and produce more.

A study by Jim McKenna, a British researcher, showed that after exercising participants returned to work more tolerant of themselves and more forgiving of their colleagues. The study goes on to conclude that “work performance was consistently higher, time management skills improved, as did mental sharpness”.

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