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Warrior Mind Podcast



The Inner WOD: Warrior Mind Podcast #384

Over four years and going strong!  With over 500,000 downloads from over 9 countries and 5 continents’….the inner wod this is the Warrior Mind Podcast.

In this episode of the Warrior Mind Podcast I’m going to talk about The Inner WOD and how it can help in CrossFit, business and life!

The Inner WOD Journey Map

You’re excited about CrossFit and how it’ affecting your body and you’ve been seeing good results.  You’re thinking “I need to train harder and more often.” You may have experienced some minor injuries and been able to push through them…but for how long? It’s time train smarter not harder.

Stage 1: Creating Momentum

This is where your journey begins.  At this stage you’re going to discover your secret weapon…your mind, and how it plays a bigger role in your performance and success than you thought.

Stage 2: Creating a Reason

During this stage you’re going to get extremely clear WHY you’re involved in CrossFit. You’re going to know exactly what you want to get out of CrossFit and what you to accomplish with precise specificity.

Stage 3: Creating Empowerment

Here you’re going to explore and discover the power of your words and self-talk as it applies to CrossFit performance. You’re going to create an internal shift that will manifest in improved performance and increased satisfaction. You’ll craft a solid “I can do” attitude.

Stage 4: Creating Flow

At this stage in your journey you’re going to learn how get into “the zone” at will.  You’ll be able to create a flow state whenever you desire. You’ll truly know what it means to “be here now.”

Stage 5: Creating Confidence

Stage 5 is all about creating the confidence that you can perform any WOD or movement.  You’re going to tap back into the power of your mind and communicate directly with your body and tell it precisely what to do.

Stage 6: Creating Mastery

Here is where you put all the previous stages together to create Mastery in CrossFit. You’ll have that clam confidence that anything is possible and attack each WOD or competition like a warrior!

Enjoy this podcast on The Inner WOD

the inner wod

Then the journey continues with:

Stage 7: Motivation

  • What is motivation
  • Intrinsic vs. extrinsic
  • Handling success and failure

Stage 8: Confidence

  • Understanding self-confidence
  • Conceptualizing self-confidence
  • Boosting self-confidence

Stage 9: Focus

  • What is focus and why it matters?
  • Using focus to reduce pressure
  • Overcoming obstacles to focus
  • Improving focus

Stage10: Time management

  • Time vs. task management
  • Clarifying your values
  • Setting priorities
  • Maintaining accountability

Stage 11: Winning habits

  • How routines improve performance
  • Routines vs. superstitions
  • When and how to adjust routines
  • Creating effective routines

Stage 12: Inner WOD for life/business

  • 10 ways Mental Strength Can Help In Live and Business

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