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Healthy Foods to Increase Peak Performance

The foods you eat will directly affect the different processes that occur in your body. Eating healthy doesn’thealthy foods necessarily mean “dieting”. This refers to eating the right kind of foods and getting rid of those that are highly processed, GMO, trans-fats and those that contain high-sugar. When this is strictly followed, positive side effects can be achieved and observed in your body.

Healthy Foods

Benefits of Healthy Eating

The elimination of harmful food intake should be compensated with the necessary nutrients needed by your body. These will provide numerous health benefits towards a healthier and better well-being.

  • Improved muscle mass

Protein plays a big role in the different biological process of your body. This serves as the building blocks for the muscle mass. As one grows older, these muscle mass is naturally lost thus the need to build and preserve them should be done at any age. Eating good sources of protein combined with a regular strength training routine can be done to improve the muscle mass.

  • Healthier vital organs

Good sources of proteins also contain high amounts of healthy fats. Omega 3 fats help improve your insulin sensitivity resulting in a reduction of inflammation. This also helps improve the functioning of your cardiovascular health. Additionally, Omega 3 tends to promote better and healthier vision.

  • Better immune system

Healthy foods contain high amounts of nutrients and antioxidants to help build and maintain a better immune system. The cruciferous vegetables, dark chocolates, and nuts that you include in your diet are rich in antioxidants and fibers. These help increase your blood flow for better gut health and digestion. A good vascular health and improved hormonal profile are also achieved by eating these foods giving you more energy all throughout the day.

healthy foods

Healthy Foods for Better Performance

The numerous health benefits can be achieved by eating healthy. Start making this right and have the optimum performance by including these foods in your diet plan.

Pasture-Raised Proteins

Pasture-raised proteins come from meat sources that are free to roam and are able to eat their natural diet. These meat sources such as beef and chicken are healthier, leaner, and have lesser marbling. It enables building and maintenance of your muscle mass which promotes better longevity. Also, these sources help improve your immune system allowing detoxification and boost the overall wellness and vitality.

The combination of pasture-raised protein with other healthy foods such as green leafy vegetables is one of the best and healthiest foods that you can have to ensure better or increased level of performance.

Green Leafy Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach are guaranteed to improve your health. This help improves your digestion and gut health, fight inflammation, and even regulate the insulin production in your body. They can also give you more energy and strengthen your bones for optimum performance.

These vegetables can be eaten in many ways depending on your preference – it can be eaten alone or combined with other foods, it can be eaten raw or cooked.


Berries are small yet healthy food option. These wonders can promote lower blood pressure and regulate the blood sugar level in the body. Also eating berries can help in the improvement of the brain and heart functions.

All types of berries can be combined with green leafy vegetables and other healthy ingredients. This will surely make a delectable appetizer, main dish, dessert, or even as a snack.


Beans are healthy foods that provide numerous benefits. They are rich in proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fibers, and antioxidants. These can help lower the triglyceride and cholesterol levels in the body. Also, beans are easily digested giving low glycemic index and a balance in the glucose level.

Preparation of beans can be done in many ways depending on one’s palate and appetite. It can be combined with other sources of nutrients for better performance and optimum growth. Eating beans will give you a satiated and happy appetite without worrying too much on extra pounds.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are healthy food options that offer natural sources of vitamins and mineral. These foods are also rich in protein, fiber, fats, and flavonoids. They can help lower cholesterol, improves brain functions, and promote a healthier heart. Studies also showed that eating nuts and seeds can help reduce the risk of cancer due to its high levels of antioxidants.

There are a wide variety of nuts and seeds that you can include in your diet. Some of the healthiest nuts include almonds, walnuts, pecans, cashews, Brazil nuts, and cedar nuts. While the list of healthy seeds includes flax seeds, Chia seeds, sunflower seeds, Hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and apricot seeds.

Whole Grains

Whole grains are the best hearty options towards a healthy diet plan. These are far better than the refined grains due to its high fiber content which helps in proper digestion, controls your bad cholesterol, maintain proper blood sugar, and reduce the risk of colon cancer. The nutrient contents of whole grains which include Vitamin B, iron, potassium, folate, magnesium, and selenium also aid in the proper functioning of the brain and the heart.

Some of the healthiest whole grain foods that can be added to your diet include barley, brown rice, oatmeal, and whole wheat bread. This can be enjoyed for breakfast or for snacks especially when combined with other healthy food sources.

Staying healthy doesn’t only mean controlling the amount of food you take. Instead, this means eating the right kind and the healthiest foods. Doing so will not only increase your performance but also enhance your overall wellness. For more tips and techniques for staying healthy, you may check This will give you more options on how to stay healthy without sacrificing your lifestyle.

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