Check Readiness

Guest Post



Guest Post – Human Doings vs. Human Beings

mental strength

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This is a guest post from my good friend Kasia Rachfall of Fresh Perspective Coaching Kasia and her coaching really exhibit the skills of mental strength! 

How many of us have said to ourselves or someone else “I’m too busy!” or “I’ll do it tomorrow.”  You hear this everywhere!  There is really nothing wrong with being busy as long as we’re also being productive.  If we’re busy for busy’s sake then we end up going around in circles.    That’s when we begin to feel like we’re driving with our brakes on.  That’s when life gets overwhelming and no fun.

Why do we choose to keep running on this hamster wheel of busyness if we realize it doesn’t actually get us anywhere.  There could be any number of reasons.  In my opinion there are 2 big ones: some people don’t know how to get off the wheel or they just choose not to.

The people who don’t know how to get off are stuck in an uncomfortable comfort zone.  They do what they know is familiar to them and don’t know how to look beyond their immediate choices.  They may feel that this is the way I’ve done things for so long, this is the way my family did things, and so I’m just fine.  At the same time they don’t realize that they are only a shell of their true potential. 

The people who choose not to get off perhaps feel that they have something to prove to the world.  They feel that they have to put on a mask and pretend that everything is working just fine even though inside they’re drowning and wishing for a way out. 

I’ve noticed that there seems to be this white elephant type mentality attached to some areas in our lives such as weight management, relationship matters, and finances.  We know that many people have issues in these areas and yet no one is willing to talk about them or ask for help.  This tabooishness of these issues also keeps us stuck on the hamster wheel and we continue to do and do and do more of what we think will work for us with no results.

The consciousness of the world is shifting slowly and I believe that this white elephant will soon become a thing of the past.  More people are realizing that there is more to life than just doing things the same way all the time.  They are realizing that part of being human is to “be” and not just “do.” 

The surest way to get off that hamster wheel is to just stop and be.  Take up meditation or just breathe for a while and let your thoughts drift away.  You’ll be amazed at the insights you get about yourself and your life and the guidance that’s available to you from the universe.

The next time you catch yourself stuck as a human doing just stop doing and be a human being.  Notice how your stress diminishes as you practice this more often.  If you find that you’re unable to turn yourself off and slow down but you would like to, then ask for help.  There are any number of amazing tools like hypnosis, NLP, and meditation that bring quick results to help you reach your goals.  You deserve to enjoy life and not just run through it.  How much more running on the hamster wheel are you willing to put up with before you invest in some rest?

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