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Warrior Mind Podcast



The Best You Can Do: Warrior Mind Podcast #401

Over four years and going strong!  With over 500,000 downloads from over 9 countries and 5 continents’….best you can do this is the Warrior Mind Podcast.

In this episode of the Warrior Mind Podcast I’m going to challenging you to answer the question, “Is this the best you can do?” and how to change your thought to create superior results.

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Is This the Best You Can Do?

Many people seem OK with the kind of lives they are living. On the surface, they seem happy with the jobs they are holding, the neighborhood they live in and the marriage they are in. But deep inside, there is nothing but regret. Constant soul-searching with the search narrowing down to the question,’ Is this the best that I can do?’ This goes to show that they are not satisfied with their life decisions, the kind of life they are leading or lack of achievement up to the point they are in life. So what causes all this?

If you are the kind of person that is unimpressed with your life, there might be a couple of reasons that led you to the point you are in. For one, you might be settling for mediocrity and convincing yourself, and those around you, that is the best you can achieve.

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For example, you might notice that you are overweight and resolve to do something about it. So you decide to be working out regularly so as to cut on a few pounds. However, soon after making that goal, you shelve the idea. Why? Lack of time. The moment the alarm rings, you are up getting ready for work. When you get back home in the evening, you’re too tired to workout so you eat and sleep. This continues until you give up fully. You use your busy life as an excuse to not working out. Since this is a valid reason, this helps you feel good inside or be calm. Since this is a valid reason, this helps you feel good inside or be calm. You convince yourself and others that were it not for the job, you’d be leaner. However, you know that something more could be done but you are not ready to admit it.

This is the plot line in most people’s lives. They are busy feeding their minds, and those around them with lies, justifying their failures and making themselves look better even though they are nowhere near better.

So if you are leading such a life, is there is any way out of this rat race? Yes there is. It all boils down to goal-making. You have to resolve to improve yourself. And I’m not talking about huge goals like losing 100 pounds. Not that kind. I mean breaking down the goals into bite size achievable goals that have a timeline to them. For example, you can decide to improve yourself 1% per week.

This means that in a year, you will have gotten a 52% improvement. Now, what if you went a step further and made it 1% improvement in a day. That would add up to a 365% improvement. By choosing to set goals whose progress can be traced daily, you are setting yourself up for success. You see, when you set big goals that are vague, chances are, you won’t be able to achieve them. You’ll end up lowering your standards thinking that this way, you’ll be able to achieve something. After you lower your standards, you’ll end up settling for less. However, deep inside, you know that you are capable of much more.

Another action you can take is to be honest with yourself. Take a look at yourself in the mirror. Open up to yourself and reveal the things you know are preventing you from achieving much. Is it procrastination? Do you lack motivation? It might be you are intentionally sabotaging your success. Playing small because you are afraid of getting out of your comfort zone.

Finally, in order to improve your life, you need to come up with a personal development plan. Personal development entails identifying your aims in life and then setting goals so as to realize them. Once you have a plan in place, the next step is finding a coach to whom you will be accountable to. A life coach will also help you stay targeted in moments of weakness when you don’t feel like carrying on.

In conclusion, in the words of Howard Beale in the movie ‘Network’, you have to say,’ I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!’ These should be the words that you run with everyday.

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