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The Hero’s Journey and Men

If you watch movies or read books, chances are you’re familiar with something called “The Hero’s Journey”.  It is the skeleton core of the majority of loveable tales out there, dating all the way back to the dawn of mankind.  A regular ol’ chap is living a mundane existence in which he feels trapped, and the more he loathes the circumstances, the more the universe brings discomfort to his life, inviting him to change it up.  They appear as calls to adventure in various forms.  In stories, of course, this is more theatrical with elaborate missions and quests that urgently require your attention and energy.

The Hero’s Journey

Hero’s Journey

As most men would, the hero initially ignores these scary or overwhelming threats, runs away from them, or innovates some fancy new patch to plug the holes of his sinking ship while attempting to continue his senseless voyage to nowhere.  Of course, none of these options actually fix anything, and the problems come back stronger and louder every time, becoming more and more unbearably undeniable.  Sound familiar?

The real magic of the hero’s journey begins the moment he embraces these hindrances and sees them for what they really are: opportunity.  When the lead character chooses to lean into the challenges, he begins to find the willpower and gumption to do something about them for real.  It’s the beginnings of an adventure that has the potential to change the way he experiences life forever.  And it’s not too different from the reality faced by many (if not most) men in today’s world.

Are You Amidst the Hero’s Journey?

When we aren’t living our best life as our best version of ourselves, we are sequestering ourselves within that same mundane existence encountered by the Average Joe of the Hero’s Journey. When the onslaught of obstacles arrives to light a fire under our asses, many of us are oblivious to the symbolism they hold.  We may be too busy suffering the consequences of being a “yes man”, finding little happiness in our day-to-day activities, struggling with feelings of inadequacy and contempt, blaming everyone around us for what is ultimately our own fault, self-medicating to get through, or even constantly stuffing down crippling anxiety or loneliness.

Let’s just say it: men face obstacles, too, even though by societal standards, we’re not supposed to.  We are meant to be big, strong, emotionless, stoic, and unaffected, but that’s not realistic.  If we compare a few common issues from this world to the hero’s journey, we begin to see some similarities.

The Call to Adventure and What Happens When It Is Refused

Early on in this prevalent story theme, the lead character becomes aware of a significant threat posed to his community or an urgent need that their existence depends on.  As it lands in his laps, he realizes that he is the solution to the problem.  That it is up to him to bring resolution to whatever the issue may be.  Oh, the pressure!  And he reacts with horror, disbelief, fear, and despair.  He may ignore this call to adventure or even run away from it completely, but resistance is futile.

Can you see how the call to adventure is symbolic of something deeper when you relate it to real life?  Our lack of motivation to carry on is the three-headed troll blocking our path to obtaining the very item we need to save the community (or ourselves).  Our fear of our vulnerability is the king’s army we must fight to protect that which we love.  Our rejection from both people and circumstances is the sword that threatens to pierce our hearts.  The unrealistic expectations looming over us are the dark and scary storm that has the potential to force us into action.  Our tendency to live on auto-pilot is our refusal to take up arms for this hero’s journey.

Sweet Victory

Every version of the Hero’s Journey involves the resurrection of the beloved main character as he chases his destiny.  It happens long after he has finally accepted the call to adventure.  As he discovers his inner strength and pushes himself through the obstacles that lie between himself and his lofty goals and dreams, he is rewarded with helpful allies and critical resources to bolster his passage.  And at last, he reaches his sweet victory as a changed man.

The same thing happens when we embrace the challenges we face in our own lives.  When we choose to accept ourselves and work on the things within us that need improvement, the universe aligns to offer support for our journey.  Sure, there will be plenty of orcs to battle, dragons to slay, and Darth Vaders to zap with force lightning along the way.  That’s how we build our resiliency, which is the key to not only survival but happiness, too.

There is a hero within each of us just waiting for his moment to shine.  Are you content with being an Average Joe who never leaves his ordinary world, even if it is miserable?  Or are you ready to take a leap of faith and embark on the adventure of a lifetime?  The story is yours to tell.

You are your biggest supporter.

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