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How To Create Your Personal Vision Statement

Use these questions to guide your thoughts. I would suggest going to an isolated location, preferably somewhere in personal vision statementnature, take a journal in these questions with you. Spend some time with each of them. Perhaps even speak them out loud into a recorder. This should be very sacred time of introspective, after all, were talking about the rest of your life. Remember your vision is your life your mission will be how you engage and interact in it.

A personal vision statement is a picture of your true self in the future. An effective personal vision includes all the important elements of your life and career, it is who you want to be, what you want to do, how you want to feel, what you want to own, and who you want to associate with. Although your personal vision helps you to see into the future, it must be grounded in the present. It is a statement of who you are, and who you are becoming. It is framework for the process of creating your life.

Your vision is where you are headed, and how you get there is your mission statement. If your vision statement is a statement of what is possible, the picture of the future you want to create.

Please answer the following questions to help form your personal vision statement

  • Why do I exist in this life? Do I have a purpose for being here?
  • Where am I going? Is there something that I should be pursuing?
  • Whom do I serve and why? Am I here just to do whatever comes my way, or do I owe it to somebody or something to accomplish something special?
  • What do I have to offer? IS there something special about me?
  • Do I need to be special to do something that will make a positive difference?
  • What are the three things you must do every single day to feel fulfilled in your work?
  • Your life has a number of important facets and dimensions, all of which deserve some attention in your personal vision statement right one important goal for each of them: Physical, spiritual, mental, emotional, career, family, social relationships, financial security, and fun.
  • If you never had to work another day in your life, how would you spend your time instead of working?
  • When your life is ending, what you what will you regret not doing, singing or achieving?

Identify Your Path

  • Can I specifically identify the most important thing that I want to accomplish in my life?
  • If I were to continue on the same path, what will make me feel most successful?
  • What accomplishment should I target to keep me on the path to success?
  • What challenge can I take on that I know I can accomplish and will be most successful at?
  • What challenge will make me feel I have done something special?

Craft Your Personal Vision Statement

Once you have thoughtfully prepared answers to these questions and others that you identify, you are ready to craft a personal vision statement. Write it in the first person and make statements about the future you hope to achieve. Write the statements as if you are already making them happen in your life.

Keep in mind that your personal vision statement can also change over time, depending upon what’s happening in your life. You will be amazed, however, at how many components remain consistent over time.

Need more help in identifying your vision? Request your Introductory Consultation today!

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