You Become Like the People You Hang Around: Mental Strength Tip #166
“Go with wise men and be wise: but he who keeps company with the foolish will be broken.” – Proverbs 13:20
In order to progress in our human development we must take time to ask questions and contemplate various topics of personal growth, such as who am I hanging around with? Which is exactly the intention of these virtual personal coaching sessions.
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn
This is a quote made by Jim Rohn, motivational speaker and self-help guru. To be honest, I don’t fully agree with this statement because it negates the fact we have our own consciousness as well. The quote will be more accurate if we revise it to: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, including yourself”.
Regardless, I believe the key underlying intent of Jim’s quote is who you spend time with influences the person you eventually become. Who you are with can elevate you as much as it can bring you down.
Personal success is achieved through the disciplined execution of a fully established personal development plan, which includes who you associate with on a regular basis.
These virtual personal coaching sessions are to assist you in your self-improvement, personal growth and personal development.
I take a personal growth topic and give an overview about it. Then I’ll continue by asking a series of mental strength questions. I’ll wrap-up with a summary and some final thoughts.
Take your time with this topic, carefully consider your responses to the questions and write them down. Personal growth is not supposed to be easy, it takes courage to face yourself. But when you develop the courage and mental strength to do actually this, you will be building confidence.
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Objective of this Mental Strength Tip on You Become Like the People You Hang Around:
To remind you that we become like the people we hang round.
Let’s Get Started on You Become Like the People You Hang Around:
If you hang your hat with the whiners, complainers and the aint-it-awfulizers, you will become just like them. If you hang around those people who are the depressing, angering, blamers, you will become just like them.
You really are only as good as the company you keep. As you go through life, you begin to realize how important having true friends really is. Navigating your 20s is a difficult and confusing time and one better traveled with wholesome, close friends by your side.
Unfortunately as we go through this time, we realize the people we once counted on are no longer the people we once thought they were.
For this post I’m going call this association of people “cocoons.” That is, when we can cocoon ourselves with successful people we’ll become like them.
Questions to Uncover Beliefs about You Become Like the People You Hang Around:
- Do you believe consciousness is contagious?
- If the people we associate with is so critical to our success, why do most of us select people at our same level of success?
- How do other people beliefs, habits and philosophies become ours?
Unsupportive Beliefs about You Become Like the People You Hang Around:
- Cocooning your consciousness is only for great athletes and millionaires.
- Associating with people to elevate your thinking is cold and calculated.
- Purposely avoiding people because of their “tiny” consciousness is snobby and uncaring.
Mental Strength Beliefs about You Become Like the People You Hang Around:
- Cocooning is one of the most intelligent strategies you can utilize.
- Cocooning is easy.
- Cocooning is the fastest way to elevate your thinking.
Outrageous Questions You Become Like the People You Hang Around:
- Do most people you associate with think like you?
- Do the people you associate with the most have about th4 same net worth as you?
- Are the people you associate with most expanding your thinking?
Reflective Questions You Become Like the People You Hang Around:
- If you isolated yourself from average thinkers more often would you be more successful?
- What believe would you have to let go of in order to utilize the cocooning concept more often?
- What steps would you have to take immediately in order to build a peak performer cocoon in the next 90 days?
Mental Strength Coaching You Become Like the People You Hang Around:
The type of people you surround yourself with speaks of your values and what you stand for. We have all heard of the concept of being guilty by association, the act of people associating your behaviors and thoughts with the people you hang out with.
If one of your friends acts in a negative way, you will be lumped in with him or her. Despite if this is true or not, it is all based on perception. Regardless if you believe yourself to be an altruistic person, a time may come when your bad company starts to influence your good behavior.
So…who are you hanging around with?
Final Thought on You Become Like the People You Hang Around:
How people around you can affect you
There are two variables that interplay in determining how much of your thoughts and actions are influenced by people around you. The first is your consciousness and resilience as an individual. The second, is the collective sum of the consciousness of the people you are with. These combine to give you a weighted impact on who you become.
You may be the most conscious and smartest individual around, but if you are constantly surrounded by negative, fear-based people in your life, it will have an impact on who you eventually become and your progression in life.
If you are heavily rooted in yourself, there might be a limited downside that negative friends can bring you. However, you are also getting a limited upside because you are spending time with people who are holding you back vs people who can be elevating you.
This is what Robert Kiyosaki experienced as well, which he shared in Rich Dad, Poor Dad. He had two dads- his real dad, stuck in the middle-class with limiting viewpoints on money; his poor dad, one of the wealthiest man in Hawaii and was smart about getting money to work for him.
By consciously choosing to interface with his rich dad to learn from him, he acquired many thinkings and mindsets of how to become rich, which eventually led him to become successful in life.
If you hang out with a group of successful, positive-minded individuals who believe in taking responsibility for their lives, you will move to become a proactive individual who shapes his/her future.
If you hang out with a bunch of pessimists who believe the world is out to get them and there is nothing worthwhile, you will start descending into the negative whirlpool at some point, even if you are initially a positive individual.
Get started today on creating this shift and request your Introductory Consultation by going HERE.