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Mental Strength



You Are Much Greater Than You Believe You Are

You are much greater than you believe you are!mental strength

Wonder how I know?

There’s an old saying in NLP, “The map is not the territory.”  For me this took a very long time to comprehend until I hear a different version, “The menu is not the meal.”  This one made sense!   You see, a map of San Francisco is not the city of San Francisco.  The map doesn’t contain all the sounds, sights and smells of Fisherman’s Warf, the trolley cars, or even Alcatraz Island …thank goodness! San Francisco is far bigger, richer and more vibrant than could ever be conveyed by a map.

The same is true about you.  You map of who you think you are (your self-concept, self-image) is not who you really are. You are far more powerful, capable and amazing than your map of yourself.

Your “map” has been folded up so small that all you see is a tiny part of it (you).  Image one of those large driving maps that’s folded 5 hundred times…well that’s a slight exaggeration, but it certainly feels like that sometimes.

Well image trying to get somewhere and only see a small section of the map.  You believe that the map is the territory so you can only go to where you see (on the map).  But because you’re an experienced driver and map unfolder you KNOW that there is more there then meets the eye. 

You unfold the map and look at all the magnificence that you can explore.  And you also know that the map is guiding you to the “real” experience.

The same can be said about your perception of yourself.  You’re looking at a tiny section of your folded map…your potential.   When you use your mental strength and unfold the map you’ll discover ALL your personal power and potential.  This unfolding, is the true you, well at least a representation of you. 

It’s now your job to follow your potential (your map) and experience the REAL you!

Just stop for a moment, unfold your map and think about whom you are, what your qualities are, your weaknesses and strengths. Then realize that there is more to you than you are aware of. You are more than you think you are.  

You have the capacity to reach your peak personal performance and personal success anytime you want!  All you have to do is unfold the map.

If need assistance with unfolding your map request an Introductory Consultation or pick up a copy of “Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior.”

Now, let me hear about your map in the comments below.

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