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Mental Strength



Willingness To Change For Personal Success

mental strength

  • “Are you prepared to make a choice?”
  • “Once the choice is made, are you courageous enough to start?”
  • “Will you commit to finishing what you start?”


What do these questions have in common? 

A willingness to change.

As I mentioned in a previous post, How to Meet Your Potential, today is practice for tomorrow, often times habits and beliefs can have a powerful hold on our progress, and it can seem like they’ll never go.

I want you to really….I mean really contemplate this next sentence.

If you don’t change your beliefs at their origin you are automatically programmed to relive your past.

Sure, you can use willpower to temporarily change a habit, but even willpower has a limit.  Then sooner or later the old programs that have run your life will take over and you’ll slowly, very slowly you’ll start to creep back to the way you were.

Don’t believe me?  Take a look at your past 10 years…how much has dramatically changed?   If you’re lucky your life situation might have improved by 10%, and most likely, not all areas of your life.

You see, willingness is the key to change and change is required for new personal success and peak personal performance

It takes mental strength to honestly answer the questions – Are you willing to have what you desire? Are you willing to let go of your old way of doing or thinking? Some people ask “Are you willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want?” It’s really not a matter of doing whatever it takes, that’s a byproduct of willingness to explore other beliefs and habits for living.

If you’re like me and really enjoy adventures, here’s an interesting affirmation to try on for size: “I am willing that my present and future be totally unlike my past.”

Again, willingness is the key.

OK, what are you willing to reexamine, question and change so that you can achieve your personal success?   Let me know in the comments below.

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