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Mental Strength



What Are You Focusing On?

Mental StrengthWhat you focus on increases.

Yea, yea, yea…I’m sure you heard this saying a thousand times already, right? The real question is do you KNOW it?  Simply because you’ve heard something before doesn’t mean you know it.  When you know something you live it. 

This phrase if a perfect example….and actually…we all do know it, we might just not understand it.

How can I say we know it?

Simple…look at you life!  Your life and all that comes with it is a direct reflection of what you focus on the majority of the time.  You just might not be aware of what you’re focusing on.  Whatever you focus your attention on over time will increase in your experience.  So now you’re probably asking, “What do I mean by focus?”

Focus is the combination of beliefs, thoughts and emotions into a single idea.

Worry is an excellent way of focusing to bring what you don’t want into your life, i.e. disease, lack, debt, etc. To attract what you do want, i.e. personal success, a loving relationship, perfect health; imagine having what you desire and feel, talk, think and move the way you’ll feel when you already have it!

You MUST use all your sense in the creation of your personal success.  Focus is not simply repeating a phrase over and over again.  It’s also not waiting for it to show up as if you are ‘attracting” it to you.

Using your mental strength you must think, act and talk as you would if you already had what you want.  You walk your walk and talk your talk BEFORE you get your personal success….this is focus!

So again, if you’re not sure what you’ve been focusing on, look around! Whatever’s been showing up in your life over time is what you’ve been focusing your attention on.

Change your focus (you’re thinking, acting and talking) and you’ll change your life. What you focus on WILL increases.

Changing your ‘personal triad” (thinking, talking and acting) is all part of personal development and personal empowerment.  Sure, in the beginning this will take a lot of mental strength.  And I assure you, the more often you focus your personal triad, the easier it will become, until one day it will be part of you.

You’ll then look around with awe at all that you have created!

If you’d like some assistance with your focus I suggest an Introductory Consultation or even the e-book, “How to Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior.”

In the mean time…I’d like to hear about your ideas on focus in the comments below. 

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