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Warrior Mind Podcast



Warrior Mind Podcast Episode # 121: Active Listening

This Warrior Mind Podcast is based on Mental Strength Tip #82 – Active listening and Personal Success.

The purpose to this Warrior Mind Podcast is to help you understand and become and an expert at one of the most underrated personal mental strength skills today: the art of active listening.

Active listening is a communication technique that requires you to feedback what you hear back to the person (doing the talking).  This can be done by either of re-stating or paraphrasing what you heard in your own words.  This confirms what you have heard and moreover, to confirm the understanding of both parties.

The ability to listen actively takes mental strength (being present) and demonstrates sincerity, and that nothing is being assumed or taken for granted. Obviously, it improves personal relationships, reduces misunderstanding and conflicts, strengthens cooperation, and fosters an understanding. It is proactive, accountable and professional and will help you in achieving personal success.

Enjoy the podcast below:[/]

Many people are delusional about their active listening skills and believe they are far better than they actually are.

My job in this Warrior Mind Podcast is to challenge you and take you into objective reality to examine your proficiency as an active listener.

Active listening is one of the most important pieces in the personal success puzzle.  It gives you a strategic advantage because so few people are really listening.

Humans have an innate desire to be heard and understood.  A crucial aspect in reaching your personal goals and personal success is developing the mental strength skill of active listening.

To help develop the mental strength to achieve work-life balance pick up a copy of “Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior” today.

This is a fantastic e-book that helps you with your personal development, self-improvement and personal power.  You’ll learn to take back control of your thoughts, develop success awareness and helps you tap into the powers of your unconsciousness mind to create the mental strength to succeed at anything!

You are your biggest supporter.

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