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Mental Strength



Values, Personal Success and Failure

What are your values?personal success

On the surface these seems to be an easy question.  But take sometime to dig deeper and the answer to this question could be the key between your success and failure.

We all live by values and actually our values direct our action and tell us if we’re doing a good job.  Most this happens at the unconsciousness level though, especially driving our actions…or inactions.

You see, our values act as servomotor and point us in the direction of where we WILL head…not where we WANT to go…of course unless the two are aligned.   

The other thing about values is you’ll “sacrifice” the lower ranking values to make sure you keep the higher ranked value(s).  This can cause some major conflicts in achieving personal success.

Let’s say for example that your top five values in life are:

  • Independence
  • Wealth
  • Relationship
  • Honesty
  • Variety

On the surface this looks pretty good right? So let me ask you…how can you have BOTH independence and wealth.  Almost all wealth creation is dependent on something.  Then look at independence and relationship. Talk about to apposing forces! 

To add more to this twisty mess, your values can have a “move away from” component, that is, something that you don’t want.  For example, you may value independence because you don’t want to be told what to do.   In previous posts I’ve discussed the dilemma of “move away from” goals and the inconsistency they produce.

Let’s look at one more fact…the sacrificial lamb…er…value.  A person will sacrifice and give up all “lower” values in order to keep the higher values.  In the case above a person with this list and ranking would give up honesty, relationships and wealth in order to have independence.  You can see how this can cause a problem can’t you?

When it comes to personal success it will take a great deal of mental strength to

  • Access your values
  • Determine if they align with your life or personal goals
  • Find and release the unsupportive energy (move away from)
  • Then reorder them in accordance with your personal success goal

Often these steps a difficult, if not impossible to determine by yourself, most of the time you need the assistance of at least a values assessment.  Preferably, to get the results you deeply desire it would be best to hire a coach with NLP, Time Empowerment® and hypnosis experience.

If you’ve been struggling hitting your peak personal performance and personal success taking a long hard look at your values could be the beginning of an exciting transformation.

If you’d like to find more about values and hoe they can affect your results request an introductory consultation today.

So…how do you feel about your values and better yet how of you really know what they are?  Please share with me your thoughts in the comment section below.

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