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The Unconscious Mind: Unlocking the Your Hidden Potential

Hi, I’m Gregg Swanson. Over the last two decades, I’ve coached countless professionals to unlock their peak performance.

My journey, which has taken me through extreme sports like CrossFit and rock climbing, as well as leading a vast sales territory, has taught me that success starts with mental fortitude. Let’s explore how you can break through your own barriers today.

So…let me ask you…

Have you ever found yourself doing something and later realized you weren’t even consciously thinking about it?

Like driving a familiar route or suddenly remembering something important at the most random moment?

That, my friend, is your unconscious mind quietly working in the background.

This part of your mind is like your personal assistant—working tirelessly behind the scenes, influencing your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors without you even knowing it.

It’s where your hidden beliefs, habits, and memories live. And the crazy part? It’s doing most of the heavy lifting in your life, often without your conscious mind even getting involved!

Let’s take a dive into this fascinating topic and explore what the unconscious mind really is, how it shapes your life, and—here’s the exciting part—how you can start tapping into its power to create positive changes in your life.

Yes, you can actually learn to access and work with this mysterious part of your mind to unlock its potential. Trust me, it’s way cooler than it sounds!

NOTE: throughout this article I’m going to use the word ‘unconscious’ and ‘subconscious’ interchangeably.  There are some slight uniques difference, and for the sake of this article we’ll consider them one in the same.

What is the Unconscious Mind?

So, let’s start with the basics, it is essentially the part of your mind that you’re not actively aware of. You’ve got the conscious mind, which handles your thoughts and actions in the here and now, and the subconscious mind, i.e. other than conscious, which bridges the gap between the conscious and the unconscious.

The subconscious mind (another name for the same thing)  is like the storage unit for all your life experiences, emotions, and patterns of behavior that aren’t at the forefront of your awareness.

Sigmund Freud, who you’ve probably heard of as one of the most famous psychologists ever, first introduced the idea of the subconscious mind in modern psychology.

He compared it to an iceberg—where the part that’s above the water represents the conscious mind, and the massive chunk beneath the surface?

That’s the subconscious mind. It’s the part that holds all the juicy stuff—memories, instincts, and feelings that shape the way we live, even though we may not be aware of them.

Think of it this way:

When you tie your shoes or brush your teeth, you’re not actively thinking about every tiny step. That’s because your subconscious mind has stored that routine for you.

It’s working on autopilot, which is handy because it frees up your conscious mind to focus on more complex things, like what you’re going to have for lunch.

How the Unconscious Mind Influences Behavior

Let me give you an example. Have you ever said or done something and then wondered, “Where did that even come from?”—especially if it was out of character or seemed to come out of nowhere? That’s your subconscious mind influencing your behavior.

The subconscious mind is constantly shaping our actions, even when we don’t realize it. It’s responsible for automatic processes like habits, emotional responses, and even some of our decisions.

In fact, research shows that up to 95% of our brain activity happens on an unconscious level.

Yep, 95%!

Your unconscious is calling the shots most of the time.

Take habits, for example. You might consciously decide to go to the gym, but the subconscious mind might hold onto an old belief that “exercise is hard” or “I’ll never be consistent,” and guess what?

That unconscious belief can sabotage your new habit without you even realizing it.

It’s the same with decision-making. We like to think we’re making choices based on logic and reason, but in reality, a lot of our decisions are influenced by unconscious biases, emotions, and past experiences.

The next time you’re faced with a decision, pay attention to that little voice in your head. It could be your subconscious mind nudging you one way or another based on experiences you’ve long forgotten.

The Science Behind the Unconscious Mind

Now, let’s get a bit geeky (but not too much, I promise). Neuroscience has shown us that the subconscious mind plays a huge role in how we process information. It’s where a lot of your automatic thoughts and behaviors come from. Your brain is always working, even when you’re not aware of it.

Different brainwave states are associated with unconscious activity. For example, when you’re in deep sleep, your brain is operating in delta waves, which are tied to unconscious processing, like memory storage and emotional regulation.

Ever noticed how sometimes you wake up with a new perspective or clarity about something?

That’s because this part of your mind was busy working through it while you were catching some Z’s.

There’s also the theta brainwave state, which is often accessed through meditation or when you’re in a deeply relaxed state. This is where you can tap into those hidden parts of your mind, like repressed emotions or forgotten memories. It’s like unlocking a vault that holds all the pieces of your life puzzle.

Unconscious Mind and Dreams

Ah, dreams! This is one of the most fascinating ways this part of your mind communicates with us. Ever wake up from a dream that felt so real, or wonder why your dreams seem totally bizarre? That’s your subconscious mind at work, giving you a glimpse into its inner world.

Freud believed that dreams were a direct line to the subconscious mind, where repressed desires and unresolved issues play out in symbolic form. While modern psychology doesn’t fully agree with Freud’s dream interpretation theories, it’s widely accepted that dreams give us insight into what’s going on beneath the surface.

Dreams can help you process emotions, resolve inner conflicts, and even give you creative inspiration. And if you’ve ever had a lucid dream—where you’re aware you’re dreaming and can control the dream—then you’ve experienced a direct connection with your subconscious mind.

Techniques to Tap Into Your Unconscious Mind

Now for the fun part—how can you start working with your subconscious mind to improve your life?

Here are some powerful techniques:

  • Meditation and Mindfulness: These practices help quiet the conscious mind so you can access the unconscious. When you meditate, you’re creating space for deeper thoughts, emotions, and memories to surface.


  • Visualization: This technique involves imagining a desired outcome or situation, which helps reprogram your subconscious mind. Athletes and high achievers use visualization all the time to train their minds for success.


  • Self-Hypnosis: Hypnosis is one of the best ways to tap into the subconscious mind. It allows you to bypass the critical conscious mind and communicate directly with your unconscious, where you can work on things like building new habits or overcoming fears.


  • Journaling: Writing freely, without judgment, can help you uncover unconscious thoughts and beliefs. It’s like having a conversation with your subconscious mind on paper. Trust me, some of the stuff you uncover might surprise you!

The Unconscious Mind and Personal Growth

Working with your subconscious mind can have a profound impact on your personal growth. It’s where a lot of your limiting beliefs, fears, and old habits live—so if you want to make lasting changes, that’s the place to start.

Here’s the thing: If you’ve got an subconscious belief that “I’m not good enough” or “I don’t deserve success,” it doesn’t matter how hard you try to change on a conscious level.

That belief will keep you stuck in the same patterns. But once you start addressing those beliefs at the unconscious level, real transformation happens.

The subconscious mind is also a treasure trove for creativity. Have you ever had an “aha” moment or a burst of inspiration while taking a shower or going for a walk?

That’s because this part of your mind was working on the problem while you were consciously focused on something else.

Common Myths and Misconceptions 

Before we wrap up, let’s clear up a few myths about this part of your mind:

  • Myth: You can control your subconscious mind.
    Truth: You can influence it, but the unconscious mind operates independently from your conscious control.


  • Myth: The unconscious mind is only about negative stuff like repressed memories.
    Truth: While it does store painful memories, it’s also where your creativity, intuition, and inspiration come from.


  • Myth: Hypnosis is mind control.
    Truth: Hypnosis is simply a state of deep relaxation where you can communicate with your unconscious mind. You’re always in control.


Your subconscious mind is an incredible, untapped resource that’s shaping your life in ways you might not even realize. From influencing your habits and decisions to storing memories and emotions, it plays a much bigger role than we often give it credit for.

But the good news is that by learning how to connect with it—through mindfulness, visualization, and even hypnosis—you can start to harness its power for personal growth, creativity, and self-improvement.

So, why not start today?

Whether it’s journaling, meditating, or simply paying more attention to your dreams, you’re just one step away from unlocking the hidden depths of your subconscious mind.

Who knows what you’ll discover?

That wraps up our deep dive into the subconscious mind. Thanks for sticking with me, and I hope you’re as excited as I am about tapping into this powerful part of yourself!

You are your biggest supporter.

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