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Mental Strength



Seven Steps to Powerful Thinking!

During the latter half of the 20th Century, tremendous advances were made in science and learning how to improveMental Strength and preserve the body.  Now, as we enter the 21st Century, it seems like the same momentum is taking off in the realm of the mind and spirit.  Advances in what is sometimes referred to as “human potential” are being seen practically on a daily basis.

Go ahead and stroll through your local bookstore, and you will discover an entire section of books on the power of the mind and our thoughts.  Your thoughts can actually elevate you to a higher level of performance.  Studies at respected medical universities like Harvard show how the power of the mind affects our health.  Many brilliant people are writing about the potential of the mind in healing the body and creating better health.

An Old Concept Gets New Momentum

The growing number of people subscribing to the philosophy that taking charge of our thoughts enables us to improve not only our health, but every aspect of our lives is encouraging and exciting.  The concept is not new.  It dates back to at the ancient mystery schools, shamanism, Huna and Biblical times. 

It is common to hear people report of improved health, wealth and happiness as they change the way they think. They report feeling healthier and stronger, increasing income and making more friends as they change their attitudes. They have the energy to get out and do things they just didn’t seem to have the motivation to do before.

It is much more readily accepted that the way we think can affect our lives.  It can be in a supportive way or non-supportive way. To have a ‘positive’ effect on our lives, health and overall abundance we want to generate positive energy and motivation.  There are many ways to change the way we think to improve attitudes and thus, our health.   The following are 7 ways to get started:

#1 – Think of yourself as a happy, healthy and abundant person. Picture in your mind how you look and feel as a happy, healthy and abundant person….in great detail! Concentrate and focus on that image. Remember, your mind is a powerful tool. You will become what you imagine.

#2 – Shift your focus towards health, happiness and abundance and away from aches and pains. It has been proven that when people think of how much they hurt, they hurt more… this includes TV, radio and newspapers. Think of other things – things that are enjoyable. Think of things you can do or you want to do.

#3 – Visualize your future as if you are living it right now! You are working toward being healthy, wealthy and happy. You want to use the power of your mind to tap into that creative energy. One of the best ways to do this is to imagine yourself as the person you want to be. Picture how you want to be a day, year, even three years from now.  Focus on how you feel, look and what you’ll be doing at that healthy moment in the future, to begin making it your reality.

#4 – Forget about past ‘mistakes’ and offer forgiveness. Many of us hold onto our failures and grudges. These both generate non-supportive energy…also remember, there is no ‘failure’ only feedback.  Learn to let go of these things.

Concentrate and think of the positive things you will do in the future, not the negative things you did in the past.  Extend this practice to your view of others as well. Think of all the positive things a person can do, not the negative they have done to you and others in the past.

#5 – Think positively.  Develop a “can do” attitude…ALL OF THE TIME! Do not think in terms of “I can’t.” Think “I can do this.”  Replace “I can’t” with “How can I?” This may be a hard concept to grasp and may take a bit of training the brain to accomplish. Talking to yourself in a positive way is a big step toward taking charge of your own health.

#6 – Learn to smile and give yourself compliments…EVERY DAY!  Learn to take compliments from others as well. Even if you have had a bad morning, force yourself to smile and act like you are having the best day.  Soon you will find your day turning around. Tell yourself you look nice, you did a good job, you will have a wonderful day at work. Give yourself a boost.  Know that it is part of arsenal of positive thinking will help you take charge of your health.

#7 – Believe it is happening now. No matter what you are trying to take charge of, you have to believe it is already manifesting…remember your beliefs create your reality, on many different levels.  If you are suffering from an illness, believe you are healthy.  It’s only the ‘illusion’ of sickness is preventing you from experiencing perfect health.  Believe you already have a healthy happy body.  

The brain and mind are complicated systems we don’t fully understand…yet.  However, when it comes to your health wealth and happiness, they are your most powerful tools. Learning how to take charge of your own reality through taking control of your thoughts can make all the difference.

Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior” goes over exactly how to apply the above tips and more into your life.   Oh yea…a Kindle version is also available at Amazon 🙂

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