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Mental Strength



Seven Codes of a Success Warrior

In observing successful warriors I have noticed that they live by seven distinct codes.  If you’ve been struggling with mental strengthgetting, or barley just missing achieving your personal success you may be missing one of these codes.

 For the purpose of this post, and my mental coaching, I define of a warrior as ‘any person who conquers oneself.’  These means mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.  As for ‘success’ it is the accomplishment of your peak potential and all that comes with it.

Here are the Seven Codes of a Success Warrior

  1. Always Act From a Warrior Mindset
    1. You take focused action.  Not out of anger, hate or destruction, but from love, honor and loyalty…for family and their lives
    2. You act in spite of fear. Fear prevents action; lack of action will get you slaughtered
    3. You know there are no failures, only results or outcomes
    4. You always successful in producing results.


  1. Completely Responsible for Own Results
    1. You’re  in charge of own life and outcomes
    2. If you need help, you ask for it
    3. If you don’t have the right ‘weapon’ you get one
    4. If you don’t have the advantage, you create it 
    5. Questions, if you’re not responsible for your own results who is? Then how much power and control do you have?


  1. Constantly Develops Mental Strength  
    1. You push the limits of your comfort zone
    2. You “If you can’t you must”
    3. You put yourself on the line…consistently
    4. You make a commitment to yourself to do something that seems to beyond my present ability
    5. You make a public declaration/commitment
    6. You model someone who is already getting the results you want
    7. You Take action
    8. You following the steps of your model
    9. If you don’t know what to do, act as if you know what to do


  1. Committed to Experiencing Personal “Zone” of Excellence (unconsciousness competence) Instead of Reading About It (cognitive understanding)
    1. Knowledge is great, and with out action it’s useless
    2. You push yourself to experience your personal ‘zone’ of excellence on a regular basis
    3. You practice daily what you know so that you can experience your personal ‘zone’


  1. Always Act From Personal Integrity
    1. Act in accordance with YOUR personal values
    2. Know your values and their priorities
    3. Integrity = wholeness = true to yourself  


  1. Knows That The Meaning of Communication is in the Response You Get
    1. The meaning and understanding of the message/communication is up to the sender – you
    2. If you don’t like the response you’re getting, change the message or the way it’s delivered.


  1. Committed to do W.E.I.T. to Succeed (without hurting others and breaking any laws)   
    1. What Ever It Takes
    2. With 100% commitment there is only a hobby
    3. Interested in something vs. committed to something

So, there you have, The Seven Codes of a Success Warrior.  When you start to integrate these into you life and your heart you’ll be posed to reach your peak potential and achieve your personal success.   Yes, it will take mental strength, mind training and perhaps hiring a personal development coach and it will be worth it!

After what choice to you rely have?  You can push yourself and grow, or you can stay where you are and wither away.  There is no “balance” in the Universe….there is either growth or death.    Thank goodness there is a choice.

The e-book “How to Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior” will help tremendously in integrating the above seven principles in your life.

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

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