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Mental Strength



Resolving Inner Conflict For Personal Power

How many times have you wanted to take an important decision but felt like lost? A part of you wants to ‘this’ and personal poweranother part wants to ‘that’ and you end up stuck. For example, a part of you wants you to quit your job and start your own business for a brighter future while the other part of you wants to enjoy the current job’s security.

Whether it was a bad habit or an important decision it’s the inner conflict you are experiencing that prevented you form acting the right way. At some point in our lives we may run in a conflict where a part of us wants to do something and another part wants to do the opposite, see the examples below:

Sometimes you may not be able to break a habit just because a part of you wants it. In this case the more you will try to break it the more will this part hold on to it and so the result will be returning back to the habit without knowing why.

Resolving the Inner Conflict

Even if you managed to ignore the needs of one of your parts you will still suffer from lack of inner integration and you will be full of suppressed emotions and unmet desires.

The solution to this dilemma is getting more understanding of those conflicting parts then working on uniting those parts together under a common goal. This may have sounded impossible before NLP came into existence but now it’s possible and even easy.

For best results is recommend to find a certified NLP Practitioner, but you can attempt this on your own as well.

Basic Parts Integration Using NLP

The following are the steps you should follow in order to unite your conflicting parts under one common goal. The technique is taken from NLP and its called parts integration or visual squash. Make sure you read all steps before applying the technique.

Note that you aren’t going to resolve the inner conflict on the conscious level but instead you’re going to do it on the unconscious level and that’s why the below steps may require some imagination.

Step One – Identify the conflicting parts (in this example we’ll use ‘job’ and starting your ‘own business’): Hold both of your hands in front of you So that your palms are facing up. Look at the first hand and imagine that you are holding the first part on it and try to imagine the shape of the part. Some people see it as an object, some see it as a person, still others see much more weird things so just relax and the image appear that makes you most comfortable. Try to notice if the part has a weight, sound, feeling, taste or smell associated with it.

Now when you get the first part out on one of your hands (your unconsciousness mind will tell you which part goes in which hand) do the same for the second part. Symbols are used here because your subconscious mind thinks using symbols.

Step Two – Ask the first part about its Intention and purpose: look at the first part and ask it “Job, for what purpose?” the answer might be something like “Because I want security.” Then ask it, “Security, for what purpose?” the answer might be something like “Because I feel safe.” Now comes the tough part if you’re doing this alone…keep taking the answer and ask “For purpose or intention” until you determine the highest positive intention of the part.

Step Three – Ask the Second part about its intention and purpose, i.e. “Own business, for what purpose?” Continue with the same process as in Step Two. Your main goal is allowing the two parts to agree on a common positive purpose or intention, which might be “peace” in this example. The more you go up in the hierarchy of intentions, the more will you find that the parts agree on their purpose.

Step Four – If you hands haven’t already come together (often they will “mysteriously” float and come tighter) then bring them together: Talk to both parts and tell them that they are both having the same intention and that there is no need for a conflict. If you were doing it right from the beginning you will notice that your hands are coming closer and closer until they touch. If your hands touched each other then hold them together firmly and bring them to your heart. This will send a clear message to your subconscious mind that the conflict was resolved, and so the next time you won’t find that big resistance when you want to make a decision about your career.

One affect after the parts integration is that you won’t remember the conflict and a brand new thought/idea will be there on how to move forward. This is you unconsciousness mind infusing you with personal power.

Parts integration is a powerful tool to help with goal setting, achieving established personal goals and enhancing human performance.

If you would like to experience a Parts Integration for yourself, simply request an introductory consolation.

Please let me know your experience with this NLP technique in the comments below.

  • Fitness, NLP and Personal Performance – Part III (
  • Mental Strength Tip #22 – Remembering Your Successes (
  • Warrior Mind Podcast – Episode 22 (
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