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Mental Strength



Releasing for Peak Performance

Nature always fills a vacuum, so it’s important to make space for whatever you want to bring into your life. This mental strengthapplies not only to the more tangible physical things such as money, furniture and pies. It also applies to relationships, ideas and even emotions. If a person is full of bitterness and resentment, there isn’t much room for joy and happiness.

For this reason, it can be useful to examine what you want to bring into your life, then ensure that there’s room for it. If in your business you want to increase your client base, do you have the capacity to handle it? If you want to get some exciting new clothes for the season, is there room in your closet?

Often we are more concerned with doing or adding more to our life, when in fact we should be look at what we can remove and release. This will allow space for the supportive and empowering aspects to come into our life and then enhance our potential for peak personal performance.

This “adding” can also be an expansion.  Take multitasking….if you removed multitasking for one hour a day and then expanded one key action to your personal success for that full hour you’d be much closer to accomplishing your goal.

So you don’t necessarily have to replace something that’s been removed, simply allow the critical factors to grow into that space. 

Sure it takes a degree of mental strength to let go of something you’ve had for a long time…like a bad habit 🙂  And when you look at the way you desire your life to be and your goal for personal success, you’ll find the strength to let go. 

Some people even go as far as creating a deliberate vacuum, such as giving money, clothes, a car away to charity in order to create space for more of the same (I’ll explore later why approaches such as this and others like it can be so powerful). For the meantime, just remember that nature always fills a vacuum.

So, how are you going to create a vacuum?  Please let me know in the comments below.

You are your biggest supporter.

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