Personal Change Management: Warrior Mind Podcast #425
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In this episode of the Warrior Mind Podcast I’m going to go over how personal change management can prevent you from the Groundhog Day experience.
Personal Change Management Skills And Groundhog Day
You may wonder why some individuals easily adapt to all the changes in their lives while others find it hard to adjust to even small changes. The main issue lies in your uncertainty acceptance level, and how you perceive change.
Studies show that uncertainty is what we find to be most stressful rather than change itself. Take for example some most difficult events in life, like separation in marriage and divorce; most people find them stressful due to the uncertainty. What people find hard is the worry about what they will do or how their children will manage the situation, but not the event itself. However, there are some skills that you can effortlessly cultivate that can help you handle changes in your life, either through life dealings or work.
Most people understand what stress is and have come across stressful events at least once in their lives, but it is worth mentioning that stress does not exclusively affect the mind. Some physical symptoms are associated with pressure like a headache; insomnia; diarrhea; and dizziness that can make you feel more stressed and even inferior.
This situation is common to all human beings, and it is intended to cause you to stop, and it is known as the “negative feedback loop.” The body tries to inform you about something, and if you do not heed, you may find yourself in even more significant problems.
Do not be enticed to assume the indicators of stress and think that they will disappear by themselves. They will not. You need to find solutions for the causes instead. You need to consult a healthcare provider if you have stress that is causing sickness in you. Stress can cause depression, a possibly harmful mental illness if left unchecked.
Enjoy this podcast on personal change management and Groundhog Day
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Managing change
Several studies show that all people go through a similar process when dealing with change. However, some individuals take longer in some stages than others.
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross studied the reaction of people after being informed that they suffer from a terminal ailment and came up with the Change or Transition Curve Model. Some later studies exhibited that people respond the same way to changes at work and grief.
The model demonstrates that people are at a state of denial at the offset, with high degrees of confidence and energy, but as they move on, they feel the need for support which declines the levels of strength and determination. They then become irritated and start posing questions like ‘why me?’ Then they begin to shift towards exploring their condition, finding new options, and accepting the situation.
Personal change management
Alcoholics Anonymous adopted a prayer known as the Serenity Prayer that asks God to grant us the serenity to assent the things we can’t change, the bravery to change those things that we can, and the wisdom to distinguish them.
This is a reasonable approach to change management in your life although it has been overused.
Accepting those things you cannot change
Those people who generally take change use an approach of receiving what they can’t change and only worrying about the things they can change themselves.
Although it can be hard to liberate yourself of being worried, there is no need of being stressed about the things that you cannot control. If you find yourself worried about an event, ask yourself if there is anything you change to prevent it from happening or consequences if it happens.
If no, then leave the issue. Set it aside, as an event that is likely to occur or not, but upon which there is no need of getting worried. After that, and this is essential, look for something else to divert your mind as an alternative.
Arranging to change those things that you can
Identifying the areas over which you have control is the next step. Asking yourself realistically whether there is anything you can change to prevent a stressful event from happening, or realistically if there is anything you can do to change the outcome of an event to one that favors you is the best action instead of worrying about potential change.
Realistically is the main word there because the actions you take have to change the situation genuinely. It is vital to think of the ideal consequences, and the likelihood of an event happening before reasoning on what you can do to change the outcome.
The wisdom to perceive the difference
This is the final step in the process of change management. Those who accept and manage change successfully are those whose needs are well defined just like good strategic thinkers. They make decisions on events they cannot change quickly and put them aside. They also take the essential steps concerning change and take control of the components they can change effectively.
Finally, the most crucial element to recall is that once you make your final decision on what you can change and what you cannot change, and the steps you will take to change it, stick to it. Accept what you have decided and get going.
I hope this information has helped you understand the 7 important mental strength skills and their significance to your life. For a more in-depth discussion about these skills, please ask for your Introductory Consultation.
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