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Emotional Strength



Peak Performance Zone and How to Get Into It

In this video “The Complacent Zone – Peak Performance”, I go over how your complacent and comfort zone fit into peak performance and how your level of arousal, i.e. motivation is a prime driver to achieve peak performance.

The Peak Performance Zone

This peak performance can be in anything like; fitness, athletics, sales and personal development.

When we understand what it truly takes to achieve peak performance we can develop a precise strategy and specific tactic that will assist us in reaching our objective.

Refresher on the complacent zone:

As I have mentioned before, our complacent zone has two boundaries:

  1. Our mental support line
  2. Our mental resistance line

In previous videos and posts on the complacent zone I discussed how these levels are created.

Today, I’m going to go over briefly what your complacent zone is comprised of.

Inside our complacent zone are basically 4 things:

  1. Our story
  2. Our environment
  3. Our behaviors
  4. Our capabilities

In order to move out of our complacent zone we MUST start telling a different story, create a new environment, engage in more productive behaviors and acquire new capabilities.

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In addition, to achieve peak performance we must be able to manager our energy (arousal) and motivation to sustain our growth and development.   I like to look at this like a series of short sprints as opposed to a marathon.

You create the energy and motivation to move from the complacent zone to the performance zone.  Take a recovery “break” and develop another strategy and tactics to move from the performance zone to the high performance zone. Repeat one more time to take you from the high performance zone to the peak performance zone.

Then maintain that level until it becomes your complacent zone…and repeat the entire success formula all over again!

Hope you enjoy the video on the peak performance zone.


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