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NLP Training Day 5 and 6

By far these past couple of days was the most powerful!  We learned about and performed Parts Integration and Time Line Empowerment®.

Inner Conflict

Have you ever said “A part of me wants to do this and a part of me wants to do that”?

How many times have you wanted to take an important decision but felt like lost?

Whether it was a bad habit or an important decision it’s the inner conflict you are experiencing that prevented you form acting the right way. At some point in our lives we may run in a conflict where a part of us wants to do something and another part wants to do the opposite, see the examples below:

  • To work hard or to play: A part of you wants to go for success and another part of you wants to kick back and take it easy.
  • To Exercise or not to exercise: A part of you wants to become healthier by exercising regularly and another part of you wants you to enjoy relaxing in front of the television
  • To Be or not to be: A part of you wants you to quit your job and start your own business for a brighter future while the other part of you wants to enjoy the current job’s security

Sometimes you may not be able to break a habit just because a part of you wants it. In this case the more you will try to break it the more will this part hold on to it and so the result will be returning back to the habit without knowing why.

Resolving the Inner Conflict

Even if you could deal with and ignore the desires of one of your parts you will still suffer from lack of inner integration and you will be full of suppressed emotions and unmet desires.

The solution to this predicament is getting more understanding of those conflicting parts then working on uniting these parts in a common goal.

Parts Integration Using NLP

The following is the basic process we followed to unite the conflicting parts under one common goal.  Please understand that this process is dealing with deep communication with the unconscious mind that it’s almost imposable to conduct on yourself.

Your really need to have a qualified NLP Practitioner to work with you on the conflict. 

Again resolving the inner conflict will not be solved on the conscious level but instead the process is going to do it on the unconscious.

Step One – Identify the parts: Hold both of your hands in front of you So that your palms face the ceiling. Look at the first hand and imagine that you are holding the first part on it and try to imagine the shape of the part. Some people see it as a glowing ball, some see it as one of their parents and others see much more weird things so just visualize the shape that makes you most comfortable. Try to notice if the part has a weight or if It has a sound. Do the same for the second part. We are using symbols in here because your subconscious mind thinks using symbols.

Step Two – Ask The first part about its Intention: look at the first part and ask it “For what purpose…?”  After the answer the question “For what purpose?” or “For what intention?” is asked again. This process continues until the real underlying intention is discovered.

Step Three – Ask the Second part about its Intention:  This would follow the same process until a point where the same underlying intention is revealed. The more you go up in the hierarchy of intentions the more will you find that parts are agreeing together.

Step Three – Bring them together: Talk to both parts and tell them that they are both having the same intention and that there is no need for a conflict. If you were doing it right from the beginning you will notice that your hands are coming closer and closer until they touch. When the hands touched each other then hold them together firmly and bring them to your chest.  This will send a clear message to your subconscious mind that the conflict was resolved.

I hope you can see how amazing this process is!  Imagine dissolving inner conflicts in less then 10 minutes…and then taking action and getting things done!

Next…Time Line Empowerment®

This was so intense and experiential that I can only give broad brush strokes description.

The Theory of Time Line

The temporal or time-related nature of our experiences offers a unique opportunity to shift how we’ve stored the processes, decisions and emotions related to our Internal Representation. By using language, visualization and temporal play on the time line, we can effectively release or naturalize negative states (anger, sadness, fear, guilt) and re-evaluate limiting decisions.  This in turn enables our neurology to organize itself into a more resourceful and empowering system.

Time Empowerment® Techniques

Time Empowerment® techniques emerged from and integration of early Time Line techniques and Hawaiian Huna esoteric teachings.  It was developed by in 1987 by Dr. Tad James and is only taught at The Empowerment Partnership, a division of Kona University.    

The process releases negative emotions and limiting decisions or beliefs, as well as a variety of other temporal-based problems. Effectively the process erases the neurological connections to those old emotions and decisions while at the same time exposing the teachings, leanings and other empowering resources that were previously masked by the unsupportive states.

This process in conjunction with NLP, Hypnosis or just by itself produces truly amazing results that produces electrifying personal empowerment.  This confidence allows a person to move forward with confidence that results in a dramatic increase in their personal performance.   

Again, these two processes by far have been the most powerful and most effective at producing lasting shifts. 

If you would like to great giant shifts in your life, and who wouldn’t right?  Then find a certified NLP & Time Empowerment® practitioner today!  You’ll be amazed at the results.

You can find out more about NLP at

Please let me know your thoughts or experience with either Parts Integration or Time Empowerment® in the comments below.

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