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Mental Strength



Mindfulness Training And The Warrior Mindset

Mindfulness training is a critical component to the warrior mindset. A warrior mindset is, essentially, mental strength. It is the strength that is required to realize and reach your absolute full potential. It is the strength that allows you to understand that you are 100% responsibility for your life, and that you may change your life 100%.

Mindfulness Training

It is the strength that provides you with the positive thoughts, the productive acts, and the passion to pursue what you desire. It is the ability to understand that you possess the power and the aptitude to make things happen. In order to optimize on the warrior mindset and experience that which you desire and deserve in life, you must have mindfulness training. In this post, you will gain an understanding of what mindfulness training is, and understand the role that it plays in the warrior mindset.

What is Mindfulness Training?

Mindfulness is a skill. It’s a skill that allows each of us to be attentive – in a deliberate manner – to the experiences that we encounter, as they unfold. In mindfulness, we do not utilize our basic skill of conceptualizing our experiences. We do not look upon our experiences in such a way that we feel that we are the “victim”, or experiencing unnecessary suffering.

Instead, we view our experiences in life as learning experiences that are designed to make us grow and benefit in one way or another. It is a conscious decision to direct our awareness to what is truly being experienced, rather than allowing our emotions to detrimentally impact the experience.

It is quite common for the mind to wander; however, in doing so, we lose control and do experience suffering through our emotions. It is not at all uncommon for a person who lacks mindfulness training to find themselves suffering through an endless array of emotions, such as sadness, hostility, irritability, and self-pity.

Naturally, those that possess or have a desire to increase their warrior mindset make a conscious effort to control their mind, and do not allow their mind to control them. This is mindfulness. While those with a high level of mindfulness training do, in fact, consider the past, as well as the future, it is their desire and ambition to pay the closest attention to the present.

For, in doing so, they have the ability to develop the mental strength that is necessary with the warrior mindset.

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 Mindfulness and the Warrior Mindset

In order to have the warrior mindset, one must have a high level of mindfulness training. As we examine those throughout history that developed the mind of a warrior, we often see that they utilized training that permitted them to become more focused on the “now”. Mindfulness training is an effective means of perceiving who we are, the world, and our unique place within the world. In taking this step, we are developing our self-confidence.

We have the ability to see things as they truly are, yet, understand that we have the power to alter those things in which we lack satisfaction. The warrior abounds upon the war field, fully prepared to handle every obstacle that presents itself.

They hold the belief that they are doing what is right, and stand – unwavering – for their cause. They take the experiences of the past; apply them to the present, to create a future result. This is the true correlation between mindfulness training and the warrior mindset.

Increasing the Warrior Mindset with Mindfulness Training

There are several innovative and distinctive ways to increase mindfulness with the warrior mindset; however, the most productive is through meditation – not just meditation of the mind for the purpose and intent of relaxation, but, also meditation upon events and experiences that have transpired, have the potential to transpire, and those events that are yet to be experienced.

Meditation allows one to bring awareness into their lives. It allows one to open themselves up to the reality that surrounds us, without being negligent to our self-growth because of prejudices and judgments. As this occurs, mindfulness for the warrior mindset immediately starts to develop, and one starts to become wiser and more compassionate – not only to themselves, but, to others, as well as the world – as a whole.

Developing the Mental and Physical Strength

Warriors, like Olympian’s, train to accumulate both mental strength and physical strength. In order to develop the true warrior mindset, it is imperative that you work to develop a mindfulness training program. You must eliminate all that you have ever believed and thought. You must, in a sense, break yourself down and build yourself back up – just like boot camps around the world do when new soldiers enter into the military.

In order to be successful in this endeavor, you must start with mindfulness. You must wipe away your “opinions” about yourself, your life, and the world around you. Then, you must see yourself, your life, and the world around you for what it truly is – and, with an open mind.

You will find that wiping away previous belief systems and opinions is challenging; however, as you continue through this process, you will become more perceptive to the world. As your perception increases, you will start learning more from the experiences that you endure.

You will see these events as training sessions to optimize yourself. You will become stronger mentally and physically. Once you have acquired mindfulness, it is then that you will be able to say that you have a true warrior mindset. A mindset that has the capability of changing you, changing your life, and changing your world.

You will find that you possess the power to overcome any obstacle and change your outcomes. This is the point in which you will only be mindful, but you will truly bring out the warrior within yourself.

You are your biggest supporter.

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