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Mental Strength



Mental Strength Tip #19 – Curiosity and Personal Success

Achieving peak personal performance and personal success begins with a mental strength mindset and empowering mental strengthbeliefs.  Personal success starts in the mind and finishes with peak performance…taking massive action. 

This is one in a series of mental strength tips to help start your week of strong so that you can reach you peak performance, personal success by enhancing your personal development.

I take one subject and run though a brief overview of it, then ask some very direct questions.  The intention of these ‘sessions’ is for you to write the questions in a success journal reflect on them and answer them.

This series of posts is for YOU!  If I’m not able to coach you personally one-on-one, I want you to at least get the benefit of “virtual” coaching.

Objective of this Mental Strength Tip:

To encourage you to recapture that childlike curiosity you had as a child.  To help you understand that curiosity is a mental strength habit that often leads to finding simple solutions to what appears to be a complicated problem and then achieving your personal success and peak person performance. 

Let’s Get Started:

Often the best solvers, those with a degree of mental strength, will first seek the simplest solutions to problems.  They only seek out and utilize complex solutions when absolutely necessary.  The mentally strong use a child-like curiosity to discover and uncover solutions in places where the average person would never think of looking.  This is another example of how the mentally strong ones use non-linear thinking in problem solving and personal success.

Questions to Uncover Beliefs about Mental Strength Thinking:

  • On a scale of 1 to 9, 9 being the highest, how curious of a person are you?
  • Do you believe curiosity can help achieve peak personal success?
  • Do you believe there’s a link between excellence and peak performance and curiosity?

Unsupportive Beliefs about Curiosity

  • Curiosity is for cats and children.
  • I know all that I need to know.
  • I don’t need to be more curious, I just need to get better results.

Mental Strength Beliefs about Curiosity

  • I love to ask questions and learn how other people think.
  • I enjoy absorbing ideas about new ways of creating success by being curious.
  • The answers to my problems already exist.  I just have to keep my eyes open and continue to ask strategic and curious questions to find them.

Outrageous Questions:

  • Have you ever considered curiosity a problem solving skill?
  • Have you ever solved a problem as a result of being curious?
  • If you were charged with being a ‘curious person’ in a court of law would there be enough evidence to convict you?

Reflective Questions:

  • How can I help you develop into a more curious person?
  • Hoe can you use your curiosity to get better results and achieve personal success?
  • Does using the mental strength skill of curiosity make sense to you as a problem solving and peak performance tool?

Mental Strength Coaching:

I encourage you to nurture your curiosity in all areas of your life as a mental strength strategy for discovering solutions. 

One step I recommend is reading books and going to movies you wouldn’t normally read or watch.  Also meet new people and become a master at asking questions and listening intently to the answers.

It will a benefit to you to adopt that belief that all your answers are already out there, just waiting to be discovered, all you need to do and be is curious as to where they are hiding. 

Please understand that curiosity is a catalyst to new perceptions and points of view and a way towards peak personal performance and personal success.

Final Thought

More and more people are becoming left brain, logical and linear thinking. The mentally strong understand that big and seemly complex problems require a new way of thinking…new and creative ideas. 

The mentally strong seek solutions from a “higher” level of consciousness and look for answers in the most unlikely of places.

By embracing curiosity you will be well on your way to achieving your peak performance and reach your personal success.

If you’d like to get started on developing radical mental strength for personal development, personal empowerment or personal success request your Introductory Consultation.

Also, “Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior” is a fantastic e-book that helps you develop awareness, consciousness and mental strength with a step-by-step plan.

OK…now it’s your turn!  Let me know about your thoughts on this subject in the comments below.

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