Mental Strength Tip #149: Compelling Future to Neutralize Fear
Willpower, positive thinking and mental strength are all essential components in a personal development plan. A personal development plan must include self-improvement steps in all four core elements, physical, emotional, spiritual and mental.
In order to achieve peak performance from our human development we must take time to ask questions and contemplate various topics of personal growth, which is exactly the intention of these virtual personal coaching sessions.
Reaching your personal goals, achieving personal success and exceeding your human potential starts in your mind…and finishes with taking inspired and massive action.
This is an ongoing virtual personal coaching series to assist you in your self-improvement and personal development.
It is intended to create self-empowerment and inspire you to take action so that you can reach your personal goals and personal success.
I take a personal growth topic, give an overview, ask a series of mental strength questions, summarize and then ask you to reflect on your answers.
Take your time with this topic, carefully consider your responses to the questions and write them down. Personal growth is not supposed to be easy, it takes courage to face yourself. But when you develop the courage and mental strength to do actually this, you will be building confidence.
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Objective of this Mental Strength Tip:
To convince you to bombard your subconscious mind and consciousness with a compelling future vision and at the same time naturalize any fear based thoughts may enter your mind.
Let’s Get Started:
Some may say that there has been too much talk of purpose, mission and vision. I say there is not nearly enough – not enough depth of dialogue and far too little implementation of the wisdom discerned from doing the work of crafting a meaningful and compelling future.
A compelling future (plan) provides the context inside of which your life operates. When a person is devoid of this defining element, their life will function with no guiding principles, no ground on which to stand. When this is the case, “success at any cost” becomes the only motivation for living, or there is a complete absence of desire that manifests into apathy.
Having a clearly defined empowering context for one’s compelling future creates meaning, depth and a clear path toward contributing to the greater good, as well as focusing on how to enhance one’s personal growth.
Questions to Uncover Beliefs about Mental Strength Thinking:
- What effect would reading your vision statement every day have on your thinking and behavior?
- What impact would neutralizing your fears have on your daily thoughts, emotions and action?
- Do you believe it’s possible to eliminate fear-based thoughts?
Unsupportive Beliefs about a Compelling Future:
- I don’t have time to read my vision statement every day.
- Once I’ve written my vision statement I don’t need to read it again.
- It’s impossible to eliminate fear-based thinking.
Mental Strength Beliefs about a Compelling Future:
- The more I think about my compelling future the more likely I will be to take action towards its realization.
- Feeding my vision and neutralizing my fears is an essential mental strength skill.
- Bombarding my unconscious mind and consciousness with my compelling future eliminates thoughts of fear since both can’t exist at the same time in my mind.
Outrageous Questions:
- How many time per day do you invest in reading and thinking about your vision statement?
- What impact does thinking about your compelling future have on your actions and performance?
- When a fear based thoughts arises, how does that affect your actions and performance?
Reflective Questions:
- Does thinking about your compelling future create or consume your mental energy?
- What con you do to naturalize fear-based thinking?
- If you could double the amount of time you spend reading and thinking about your vision statement over the next 90 days, what do you think would happen?
Mental Strength Coaching:
Your vision statement and compelling future should include the following seven areas:
- Work and career
- Finances
- Recreation and free time
- Health and fitness
- Relationships
- Personal goals
- Contribution to the larger community
It does not include the distinctive ways that you intend to accomplish your purpose.
Why Write a Personal Vision Statement?
To express:
- Your purpose
- Your life’s dream
- Your core values & beliefs
- What you want for yourself
- What you want to contribute to others
- What you want to be
Characteristics of a Vision Statement:
- Engages your heart & spirit
- Taps into embedded concerns & needs
- Asserts what you want to create
- Is something worth going for
- Provides meaning to the work you do
- Is a little cloudy and grand
- Is simple
- Is a living document
- Provides a starting place from which to get more specificity
- Is based on quality and dedication
Key Elements of a Vision Statement:
- Written down and referred to daily
- Written in present tense, as if it has already been completed
- Includes a variety of activities and time frames
- Filled with descriptive details that anchor it to reality
Final Thought
A compelling future and vision statement create an empowering context for an individual.
How is context defined?
In the most basic definition, it is a container for something. It is the background that gives the foreground its distinction. I like to look at context as “the energetic and attitudinal environment inside of which anything lives.” There is a context to everything; families, schools, companies, countries.
But for the most part we do not intentionally define the context. When that is the case, it context by default. You end up living your life by default and the winds of change, rather than by design!
A default context is one that gets unconsciously assimilated from the predominant attitudes and energies of the individual. It is unconscious, undefined and does not set one apart from the masses, nor lead to clarity and power.
Get started today on creating your compelling future by requesting your Introductory Consultation by going HERE.