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Mental Strength



Mental Strength Tip # 1 – Objective Reality

Today and for the next few weeks…maybe months, I’m going to coach you.  Sure I’d love to coach you “live.”  IfMental strength you’ve never been coached I’d strongly recommend considering it…takes a look at all the lives people Tony Robbins and other great coaches have changed through coaching…it does work! If you’d like to find out how personal success coaching can help you Contact Me.

But for toady, I’m going to coach you “virtually.”

What I’m going to do is highlight an aspect or characteristic of the top achievers, the ones with outstanding mental strength the ones with abundant personal success. 

In observing individuals that have achieved their own peak potential there are similarities in their behavior and attitude.  Success leaves clues, and those that have the mental strength to push through obstacles make these clues VERY visible.  We only need to stop and look for them.

So, what I’m going to do is do some mental training with you from the perspective of the personal success.  Keep in mind that you define your own personal success not me or anyone else. 


Here we go! 

Mental Strength Tip #1

The Mentally Strong Operate from Objective Reality

Objective reality means making sure that a person perceives their skill level as close to reality as possible. Most “weak” thinking and underachiever’s way of thinking is slightly to extremely delusional regarding their skills, work ethic (how much effort they put into their goal), mindset, goals, etc.

This delusion restricts them from taking their results to the next level.  This is a serious and critical issue especially as it relates to specific “skill” level.  A person who believes they are a top performer (and actually are not) will make excuses; blame others and a situation as they continue to manifest less then optimal results.  They’ll remain confused and excuse prone until a mental coach steps in and assists the person into really seeing what their objective reality really is.

The optimum is to have a one-on-one discussion that digs deep into the results the person is actually getting…in fact its critical!  Then making inquiries as to the reasons the unsatisfactory results would be next step. 

It is important to get all the excuses on the table; this will expose exactly what the person is thinking.  If the person doesn’t make excuses and accepts full responsibility, then they have or on the process of developing mental strength and achieving personal success. 

Mindset Questions to Uncover Your Beliefs

  1. If you improved your ability, would get better results?  If so, buy how much?
  2. What would it take to improve your ability?
  3. Are you confident enough in your ability to improve to sign your name on it?

Mental Weak Thinking and Beliefs about Objective Reality

  1. I’m a top performer (when their results show otherwise)
  2. Optimum and excellent results are more about luck then skill
  3. Optimum and excellent results are pie in the sky and achieved by few

Mental Strength Thinking and Beliefs about Objective reality

  1. My results are the true measure of my level of thinking
  2. I am responsible for my thinking, actions and results
  3. When I become a better performer, I will get better results

Questions of the Heart

  1. Are the results you’d like to get really impossible, or are they just impossible for you?
  2. If you really believe you’re a top performer, how come your results don’t show it?
  3. Are you habits, actions and behaviors congruent with the size and scope of your vision?

Questions to Contemplate

  1. How can you bridge the gap between the results you need to achieve and the results you’re currently getting?
  2. What actions steps can you take in the next 90 days to move you closer to the results you want to you to get?
  3. What benchmarks can you set to indicate you’re on the right track?

Final Thought

The cornerstone of the mental strength coaching process is simple: Identify a person’s core beliefs – What he or she “knows” to be fact – and the coach around shifting the perspective about the beliefs that are holding the person back.

I hope you enjoyed our coaching session and pleas let me know if I can help you bridge your gap to peak performance in the comments below.

You are your biggest supporter.

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