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Mental Strength



Mental Strength Laws of the Mind and Thoughts – Part 1

Just as there are Natural and Universal Laws there are Law’s of the Mind. Before I get in the Mind Law’s it will be helpful do go over some mind facts.

How do we run our own mind?

So you want to take back control of your own mind?

Good on you.

What a wonderful goal!

And in this day age so rare.

Many people talk about taking back control of their mind and taking charge of their thoughts, but just watch them when criticized or insulted. They go to pieces. Let one of their closely held beliefs be questioned, and watch out.

Sudden it becomes semantic reaction time.

They explode with rage, anger, stress, fear, shock, etc. If they truly “control their own minds,” how is it that they lack state management skills in the moments when managing one’s reactions really counts?

Taking control of our own mind, and thinking freely in independent ways apart from rehashing worn-out or spoon fed thoughts necessitates several things.

It necessitates that we develop mindfulness about our minds (or more accurately, our minds) so that we actually develop state management skills. It means we learn to play a new Game, “I am in control of my mind and thoughts” game.

So, with that in mind:

What essentials do you need to know to take back control of your mind and thoughts?

Here are the first 5 mental strength Laws of the Mind

Read them VERY carefully, they help you establish an understanding of the game of “I am in control of my mind and thoughts.”

Rule of the Game

#1: Thoughts are Things – Thoughts are things, they are real forces, and they are energy and are the ‘cause’ of all your ‘effects.’ Weak and scattered thoughts are weak and scattered real forces. Strong and concentrated thoughts are strong and concentrated real forces!

#2: Thoughts are Bidirectional – The mind is like a two-way radio, it is a sending and receiving station of thoughts. We are constantly affecting the outside environment with our thoughts, and the outside environment…those people, groups and communities we associate with…are constantly affecting our thoughts, particularly in sales.

#3: Thoughts are Like Magnets – Thoughts that are thought with emotion become magnetized and attract similar and like thoughts. Any thought that has emotion attached to it, changes the dynamic and the “energy” of the thoughts, i.e. negative thoughts attract more negative thoughts and positive thoughts attract more positive thoughts.

#4: Minds Follow Directions – They take the directions that you give them and they follow them. Provide a little description and the mind goes to work representing the information on our internal mental screen. Like a movie director, minds use the information as instructions for our mental Cinema. This explains why the following are very important questions for our states:

  • What directions are you giving your mind?
  • What are the default instructions that you’ve learned to give your mind?
  • What instructions did your parents or teachers provide you about yourself, life, others, etc.?
  • How useful, ecological, healthy, balanced, valuable, true, etc. are those instructions?
  • Do those instructions create empowering states for you?
  • Would you want to give those instructions to your children?
  • Do they map out an exciting and loving life?

Why are these questions so important?

Because, the quality of your life is in direct proportion to the quality of the questions asked. The quality of that information flows from the quality of its instructions and questions. The most important thing you do in life then are the instructions that you give your mind. Are the instructions those that you would use to create a world-class movie?

Minds use words, pictures, sounds, tones, volumes, smells, tastes, all kinds of things as the basis for swishing us places. Mention a word and off your mind goes.

But where?

It depends on your learning history, experiences, memories, imaginations, hopes, etc.

Minds are phenomenal at linking things. They do so very, very quickly. Actually, this is one of the chief problems we have with our minds. The problem is not that they don’t learn, but that they learn too quickly. It’s just what they learn that often times are just not true or useful.

Minds are also incredible instruments that never shut down. Even in sleep, we dream as mind wave activity continues. This becomes a problem if we don’t give the mind lots of interesting things to process. The stimulus hunger of minds will trigger them to play the old B-rated movies or hallucinate freely.

Start taking back control of your mind and thoughts by picking up a copy of Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior today!

You are your biggest supporter.

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