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Mental Strength



Mental Strength Creed For Personal Success

I believe we all need a code…a creed to live by in order to keep us track and to help us achieve our personal goals and reach our personal success.  There a so many great creeds and code of honor’s out there already that I thought I add one more.

Below are several “affirmations” that makeup a creed if you will, the Mental Strength Creed for Personal Success.

It is by all means not comprehensive and doesn’t include all the aspects of beliefs and behaviors that will assist you in reaching personal success…but it’s a good start if you don’t a creed to live by yet.

I have provided a link at the end so you download the creed, print it and read it out loud daily.

So as you read and reread this creed think about how you will live into and express the words in your life.  Then image how your life will change when you completely embrace them all.

  • I choose to forget those things, which are behind me and press forward to those things that are before me.
  • I cease from justifying myself when confronted by or with others.
  • I refuse to accept another’s evil as an excuse for my personal weakness.
  • I choose not to do it just because someone may say “everybody’s doing it.”
  • I believe in each person’s worth and recognize that they, too, are striving for excellence.
  • I refuse to doubt another person’s integrity or character.
  • I choose to give to others what I am receiving from the Universe.
  • Being of service to others is my reward in life.
  • I do matter and I do make a difference in this world.
  • I press toward to mark for the prize of my Higher Calling, my purpose in life.
  • I have compassion, empathy and encouragement for others.
  • I take pride in my appearance and in what I accomplish daily.
  • I believe in myself so that others will believe in me.
  • I set specific goals for my future.
  • I work confidently and diligently toward accomplishing my goals.
  • I have strong convictions and believe in being honest, sincere and loyal.
  • I am a responsible, trustworthy and dependable person.
  • I am committed to myself and in how I deal with others.
  • I am confident in myself and in how I deal with others.
  • I have the courage to be bold and assertive, yet meek at the same time.
  • I am sensitive and carrying to others.

You can download the Mental Strength Creed for Personal Success HERE.

I’d like to hear your thoughts about or your own creed in the comments below.

You are your biggest supporter.

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