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Mental Strength



Mental Strength and the Power of Self Confidence

Self-confidence can be described as the ability to trust oneself as well as one’s gifts. This quality is critical to a person’s successes throughout one’s lifetime. This mental strength helps people to understand that they are worthwhile and that they are able to succeed in their actions. Even individuals who do not possess this trait can start to increase their self confidence.

Without this mental strength, a number of persons are unable to accomplish life dreams. They are often ineffective in relationships, educational attempts, and work situations. They often acquire a social phobia, and tend to be awkward in social encounters. Those who do not possess self-confidence frequently be reluctant to attempt to aspire or labor toward goal accomplishment; these people become convinced that they are likely to fall short. They know that they are not as good or as capable as those around them. They usually do not succeed because of their lack of belief in themselves.

In contrast, the one who is able to gain self confidence will find himself or herself strong enough to change this painful trend and achieve a cure for this social phobia. Such a person will find that building self confidence results in amazing improvements in relationships and academic achievements. Often, an employment prospect can occur because of actions toward boosting self-confidence.

People may have failed to build self-confidence for a number of reasons. They might have had domineering parents, or been teased frequently during their school years. Many struggled educationally or socially. Others simply had difficulty making friends or encounter the reassuring support of classmates, parents, or teachers. Frequently, these individuals struggle with a self-perception of inadequacy and uselessness.

Many times, individuals who were not able to gain self confidence as children struggle with building self confidence throughout adulthood. They have been unable to learn how to affect this, and are able to learn only if they look for the assistance and support of peers or professional counselors. Too many people do not want to admit these difficulties in their lives, and merely continue to strive during their lifetimes.

A number of strategies are sometimes utilized to help individuals to build mental strength and self confidence. Many styles of counseling approaches, like behavioral therapy or group therapy, have been used to instruct clients how to boost self confidence. Numerous self-help books have been developed to coach people to improve self-confidence. Therapists even provide seminars and retreats structured to assist people gain self confidence.

Although all of these strategies may be helpful, three alternative strategies that are not difficult to learn and quite effective for a majority of persons who try them are confidence hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and mental strength training. Professionals who employ confidence hypnotherapy and mental strength training are typically successful in coaching clients to acquire self-confidence and drastically improve both their outlooks and their abilities to succeed in life.

Classic hypnotherapy (employing post-hypnotic suggestions) can be very useful. This approach is most helpful for people who are suggestible and easily directed. This type of therapy typically is not helpful with persons who are more methodical or are critical thinkers.

Those described by the latter category, Ericksonian hypnosis or NLP therapies work much better. These approaches are excellent for effectively relating to the subconscious, which is the seat of our thoughts and feelings. This is because the resistance typically offered by analytical persons to suggestiveness is bypassed.

A tool offered through that individuals are usually taught to boost self-confidence is called anchoring. Anchoring is a normal experience. For example, if you encounter a song from the past, and have sensations of deja vu, this is because your unconscious connected the sensations in a past situation, with the music that was playing during that time. So hearing the song again, the unconscious triggers the memories related to it. So the song is an anchor for those memories.

Using the technique known as anchoring, individuals are coached to recall an instance where they did experience the emotions of confidence. As they recall and re-experience those sensations, they are taught to touch two fingers together. The unconscious then associates the feelings of self-confidence with this physical action. If the individual says that he or she has no memory of ever feeling confident, the person is encouraged to design an imaginary event where they do see themselves exhibiting confidence, and then anchor that instance of confidence.

Once they’ve anchored the emotions of confidence, when they find themselves in situations that necessitate self-confidence, touching the fingers together triggers emotions of confidence that are useful in the present situation.

Another very powerful NLP technique called the “Flash” may be utilized to instantly exchange painful feelings, which are often related to a lack of self-confidence. Because of this method, the individual diverts the visual images that cause negativity, to trigger mental images to generate a positive feeling.

For instance, the client directs the unconscious to employ the mental cues that trigger emotions of uncertainty, as triggers for mental images that trigger perceptions of confidence. Mental pictures trigger emotional reactions.

Everyone has goals, and desires. A number of persons can work toward these to achieve their desires. Sometimes, however, people permit their lack of self-confidence to conquer them. Even though NLP does not work for everyone, the vast majority of clients who try this strategy report great success in boosting self confidence. This approach is actually more beneficial than alternative approaches for most people.

Summary: Those who lack self-confidence and mental strength typically do not easily succeed in many areas of their lives. A number of factors cause persons to experience social phobias or feelings of incompetence. A number of strategies can help clients to boost self-confidence. Among them, NLP is widely reported to be very beneficial by a large percentage of people who have tried this strategy.  A different and equally successful avenue is mental strength training.

To Your Inner Strength,

Warrior Mind Coach

You are your biggest supporter.

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