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Warrior Mind Podcast



Living Up To Your Potential: Warrior Mind Podcast #399

Over four years and going strong!  With over 500,000 downloads from over 9 countries and 5 continents’….potential this is the Warrior Mind Podcast.

In this episode of the Warrior Mind Podcast I’m going to discuss how we play small and what it will take to live up to your potential.

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Your Potential

Long past are the days of childhood imaginings and dreams that once kept you afloat with ideas for the perfect future. The dreams themselves spanned an eternity, and it seemed, back then, that nothing was ever out of reach. This is where that young feeling of invincibility once came from, now gone.

As time has passed, you have likely found yourself compromising on those once holy dreams in order to fit into reality as it is. Make a paycheck, buy a home, start a family, rinse and repeat, repeat, repeat. This is the way of the world, and there is no fighting against it.

Only, this is not the way of the world. Or at least, it is not the way that it has to be. Such ideas are a means of taking the “easy way out” and denying that you are capable of so much more. If you are an individual who, though at least moderately successful, has found that your life is not as satisfying as you had once hoped it to be, then these words are for you.

Now, do not start “beating yourself up” about lost potential. That is not going to help you find what you need to start feeling more fulfilled. In order to find your personal potential, it is important that you first realize no amount of chastising or personal bereavement can bring you to a sense of happiness. These will only keep you down.

They key to finding one’s personal potential is to first surmount the belief that everyone carries, whether you know it or not: that you are not good enough, that you are not worthy in some way as you are right now. Nostalgia is a dangerous concept, because it makes one believe that the past is somehow inherently better than the present, which means the childhood “you” was right and you are not fulfilling those distant dreams.

Enjoy this podcast on living up to your potential

More on your potential

There is no set time that personal fulfillment must or should be achieved. Instead, it is important to understand that life is a journey and every person walks the path of that journey a little differently. No matter how you start that journey or when, the important thing to seek your full potential with an open mind and heart.

To this end, there are a number of different ways that you can start taking this personal journey to fulfillment:

  • Increase your positive associations and thoughts
  • Stop, and take a moment to think about what is missing or lacking in your life
  • Embrace failure as a lesson to be surmounted rather than connecting it to your personal self
  • Do not think that achieving potential means nonstop happiness; everyone has hard times
  • Believe that you can do anything
  • Challenge yourself with something new each day
  • Move outside your comfort zone (you never know what you will find)

This seemingly simple list is far from easy to achieve, especially when you are standing in your own way. For this reason, you might consider turning toward a personal coach that can help you get past your own doubts and personal misgivings and take hold of a whole new “you.”

The benefit of a personal coach is that he or she is not in your head. He or she is not caught up in all of the pestering, nagging doubts that plague your thoughts and try to keep you in your “place.” A life coach knows that such a “place” does not exist, because there is a wide-open world just waiting to embrace the full potential that exists within you on any given day.

It is truly amazing how easily one’s own psyche can derail a lifetime of struggle and achievement. Whether it is a societal influence or a natural part of what it means to be an imperfect human, nearly everyone struggles with internalized feelings of inadequacy and some degree of self-loathing. Often, it takes an outside voice to dispel these falsities and make one realize the truth about him or herself.

Over the course of a lifetime, people often find themselves put into situations where logical decisions and responsibilities take priority over personal desires. Unfortunately, this is largely unavoidable. But that does not mean that it has to be eternal. Finding the right balance between doing what must be done and finding what you want to do is the key to achieving your full personal potential. And no matter how you go about plotting that path, know that you are not alone.

No matter how you choose to fight back the despair or the belief that your life has reached its zenith, it is only important that you do fight. Find what works best for you, be it a personal coach or a personal dream, and fight for your life, because that is what is at stake.

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