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Mental Strength



How To Ignore What “They” Think

Let’s face it, at one time or another we’re all going to have that thought of…”I wonder what they’ll think.”  Not quite sure how “they” are, but at times they have a powerful grip over us.

If you worry what others think of you, and we all do at one time or another, this post may help you get neutralize this thought and refocus on you. The intention here is to help you stop thinking what complete strangers are going think of the way you look, what they might be saying about you and to start living a life of power, purpose and passion!

Below are a few quick tips to help “get out of your own way.”

Stop Over-thinking

You are not the most important person in the world, at least not to others….yup, you heard me.  You are not the center of anyone else’s Universe.  As tough as this may sound it’s liberating at the same time.  People really don’t care that much.  They have their own thoughts of “I wonder what they’ll think.”

It is probably in the majority of occasions that you think you are being judged where people don’t actually care for the thing you are worrying about. Do you judge every single person that you meet… probably not. If you do, you might want to sort out that side of your life first, as there’s no wonder you care what people think of you, after all perception is projection.

The best way to test it is to push your limits a little, do something that is a bit out of the ordinary for you and see how people react. Chances are that only your “friends” might notice the change and make comments, but a random stranger really won’t care.

Your Life is The Sum of Your Thoughts and Attitude

The world is exactly what we make of it, there are no rules or definitions for what it means to work too hard or be too involved with your interests, and you should never let others take time away from something you’re naturally drawn to.

Be mentally strong, and when you discover what your personal goals are – whether they have to do with your career/profession, helping others, being a successful writer, starting a business, becoming an all-star programmer, it doesn’t matter – ensure everything you do is aligned to achieve them.

That is the only way to live without regret. Embrace your inner drives, listen to your soul, and follow your bliss. If others don’t understand and support you then they’re holding you back and you have to learn to ignore them. This is not easy to do, but long term it is necessary. Choose influences that support what you want to accomplish so you don’t reach a point where those in your life are fighting against you.

Be Confident in Your Actions

It’s likely we’ll always have some thought towards the feelings of others, what if we could really eliminate the amount of times it happens? Well, you can. The trick is to simply be more confident in the decisions and actions you are taking. Have you never seen someone that might be wearing something out of the ordinary or acting different to the surrounding crowd but things just seem normal and they aren’t being judged?

 If you are wearing yellow shoes and are clearly uncomfortable in your choice then people are going to target you because they can see that and they probably want to feel good about themselves. However, if you can wear the shoes with pride and confidence, whilst clearly not caring what other people think then you’ll notice the negative reactions to be very small if any.

 Work on Accepting Yourself

You are the only one who knows everything about you and the only one who has full access to your thoughts, beliefs and real intentions. That’s why you should consider other’s judgment completely useless. If you want to feel confident all the time then your sense of self-worth should come from within instead of making it dependent on the other people you encounter.

Build the skills that you lack, succeed in doing the things that you failed to do in the past then you will find that you are feeling more worthy. Once you trust your abilities and stop listening to others you will feel more confident.

Be courageous to be yourself. Don’t change yourself just because someone wants you to or they are judging you. You are you, you can’t be anyone different. Don’t ever think you are not good enough, you are you, always be you, you only have one chance at life, and the chance is short, therefore you should just simply live life to the fullest, and not care at all about any judgmental opinions that are thrown towards you in life.

Need some assistance in living a courageous life?  Pick up a copy of Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior today!

You are your biggest supporter.

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