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How To Break Free From Limiting Beliefs

Do you have great intentions, but find you don’t always follow through?  

Perhaps you tell yourself it’s time to change, but aren’t able to take action.

You may even be passionate about life, but run into countless roadblocks along the way.

When you get to the root cause of your failure, it is often limiting beliefs and negative thoughts that are keeping you from success. In most cases, you are a thought or two away from achieving a great deal of success. So a single positive change can make all the difference in your life.

As you discover how to disengage yourself both emotionally and mentally from negative thoughts, you’ll watch your potential rise.

Despite it sounding like a crazy claim, you might just be surprised how much your limiting beliefs are having on you. But when you remove their power, you have a chance to dramatically improve your life. I’m almost certain if you broke free from those limiting beliefs you’d experience 90% of your goals and dreams being reached.

Just don’t anticipate an overnight evolution in how you feel. You’ve been nourishing negative thoughts and patterns for years and self-doubt has a hold on you. These years of negativity have an impact on your way of thinking and have impacted your confidence. But if you stick with it, you can begin to experience an extraordinary change in life.

These thought patterns aren’t your fault either. As a child, many of your views of the world stem from the experiences you’ve had. This includes the belief and expectations for happiness, along with living a passionate life.

Even when you come from a stable, loving family, you can still face these struggles. The limiting beliefs may stem from interactions you’ve had with peers, social pressure or other events that have occurred in your life. As you move forward and you struggle, you begin to experience negative feelings about yourself and soon, you allow these dark thoughts to begin taking control over your life. In some cases, limiting you from every reaching your full potential.

As more time passes, these beliefs are further engraved in our brains. They become real to us and they begin to guide our fears. As we become adults, there are additional stresses, disappointments and responsibilities that begin to reaffirm the fears we have. This leads us to justify these limiting beliefs.

Let’s do a quick exercise. Imagine your life where none of the stuff that lead to these engrained limiting beliefs too place. You are a clean slate and all the possibilities of the world are open. There are absolutely no role blocks in your life and you can try anything.

To help you relate to this, think of a time when things went your way, or felt like they were. Even if you weren’t the smartest or most popular, you still were there and life is good, where would you stand? That is important to take into consideration for this.

Another important factor that one mustn’t overlook, is your parents do not control your destiny. Critical parents are often the dream crushers of the world. As an adult, they have no control over what you accomplish. Former teachers and peers who told you that a dream was impossible, they have no power over you. The only person with any power over your life, unless you are willing to give it to someone else, is you.

Your abilities and skills are yours, so own them. When you accept that and own that, you can begin to transform your life and push yourself harder to reach your goals.

The limiting beliefs in your life aren’t something that can dominate you any longer. Before you know it, you have the enthusiasm and energy to take back your life. When you do:

  • You can do all the things your heart dreams of.
  • You can make things happen.
  • You’ll discover that passion for life you once had.
  • You can work past fear and take back your life.

Don’t let your limiting beliefs define who you are. Take back your life and realize that living in the past can actually being to negatively impact your life, and prevent you from finding your true happiness.

[color-box]Struggling? Find out why by getting your free copy of “How To Make Change Easy” HERE[/color-box]

To gain a better understanding of your limiting beliefs, it can help to begin asking yourself some probing questions. These questions will give you some insight into why you are thinking the way you do.

15 important questions to break free from limiting beliefs

  1. What is your most debilitating limiting belief?

We all have limiting beliefs we struggle with. When you know which one is perhaps the biggest, you can begin to remove them from your life. Do you not feel like you’re good enough? Do you believe you aren’t making enough money? Are you under the impression you are unattractive or not very smart?

  1. Why is this limiting belief there?

This is a question you need to keep asking yourself until you answer it. Begin to write down all the reasons in your mind, regardless of how minor they are. Then keep this list.

  1. Is there any evidence which proves this limiting belief wrong?

This is important. There are things in your life, which prove the limiting belief isn’t true. As you progress through these items, you’ll begin to realize most of the mental road blocks you have created are completely wrong.

  1. What ways are you not truly alive and engaged in your own life?

If the limiting belief you have preventing you from having a fulfilling and joyful life? If it is, make note of those. Create a list of all the areas where this is holding you back.

  1. How does it make you feel to know you’ve missed out on these areas in your life?

Your feelings are important to embrace. You know you’re missing out and these limiting beliefs are preventing you from truly embracing it. Explore these feelings and look at how you can take back your life.

  1. If these beliefs were no longer a concern, how would you change your life?

Close your eyes and imagine these limiting beliefs were out of your life. How would this change your life for the better? What new goals would you set for yourself? Would you be able to change your life?

  1. Do your limiting beliefs have any merit?

Is there actually a case where this belief has any validity to it? What supporting evidence do you have?

  1. If you answered yes and have evidence, what can you do about it?

Often, there are solutions to the problems and perceptions. If education is legitimately holding you back, go to school. If you need money, raise some money. But find out what is limiting you and find a solution.

  1. What is your greatest fear in terms of the outcome from your limiting belief?

Are you concerned with rejection, someone not liking you or simply being humiliated? What is the worst thing that could happen if something goes wrong? Now, what is the best thing that could happen if it goes right?

  1. In reality, what is the likelihood of this happening?

Living in a realm of fear, we often believe we are facing something that is the only possibility. When the truth is that the chances of the nightmare actually happening are slim to none. So how likely is it the worst possible scenario will happen?

  1. How comfortable would you be with taking chances, despite the uncertainty?

Let’s be realistic, everything you do has a risk. There are so many different outcomes you can face and you need to decide if you take the easy route and always succeed and never find happiness. Or if you put things on the line in the hopes of making your dreams come true.

  1. How are your limiting beliefs impacting past and current relationships?

You need to understand that your beliefs will impact your relationships. You need to take a close look at your life and understand that your beliefs do have an impact on things.

  1. Do you think you’d be comfortable taking your list of beliefs and sealing them in an envelope?

When you’ve done this, you put them on hold and pretend they are not real. As you begin to work your way away from them, you live your life in the manner a person with these concerns wouldn’t have.

  1. What is the most pressing or compelling goal you have that you wished you could accomplish?

This is an important question to ask yourself. What is the one thing that your limiting belief has kept you away from? If you were to remove the belief, could you achieve that goal? Is it something you’d like to work towards?

  1. List 3 – 5 manageable goals you can do this week that move you closer to the goal, while the limiting beliefs are sealed away in the envelope.

For the exercise to work, you need to commit to the full experience. You need to take action to move away from these items and to work towards your goals. As you better isolate these items, and take back your life you’ll find you enjoy life more.

If you continue to follow through with this plan, you’ll find you are able to achieve a great deal of success. In today’s modern world, you have an endless array of possibilities available to you, as long as you let your limiting beliefs go.

Routinely go through the steps mentioned above and do what you can to continue to progress forward. Within a few weeks of following the steps as mentioned, you’ll discover you have the power inside of yourself to make the changes necessary in your life. Then you can begin to work towards making all of your dreams a reality.

You are your biggest supporter.

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