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Warrior Mind Podcast



The Power of Gratitude: Warrior Mind Podcast #258

Over four years and going strong! With over 200,000 downloads from over 9 countries and 5 continent’s….this is theGratitude Warrior Mind Podcast.

The purpose of this Warrior Mind Podcast is to help you understand the power of gratitude can have on your life.

Here are five reasons gratitude improves your life that came from Kevin Eikenberry 

  1. Gratitude attracts what we want. The universal law of attraction says that we will attract into our life the things we think about and focus on.
  1. Gratitude improves relationships. Think about those people that you know who are most appreciative of you – and let you know it. Be grateful for people, their contributions, their talents and their actions – and make sure you let them know how you feel.
  1. Gratitude reduces negativity. It is hard to be negative about your situation when you are thinking about things for which you are grateful. One of the fastest ways to improve your mood or outlook is to count your blessings.
  1. Gratitude improves problem solving skills. Too often we look at problem solving with a very jaded view. When we think about what we are grateful for we open our minds up to new possibilities and connections.
  1. Gratitude helps us learn. Every dark cloud has a silver lining. Behind every problem lies an opportunity. Being grateful for our situation – even if we don’t like everything about it – allows us to be thankful for the opportunity to learn something new.

Enjoy this podcast on the power of gratitude.

Three things you can do right now:

  1. Make a list of five things you are grateful for right now. These can be big things (like your family) or little things (like the fact that someone held the door open for you this morning). This can be a mental list or written down. Do it now.
  1. Reflect on your list and allow yourself to feel good about these things.
  1. If there is a person you can thank or show your appreciation to, do that now too (a quick call or email is a good start!).

My e-book, Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior, will help you develop a growth mindset.

Become a peak performer and request your Introductory Consultation HERE.

Subscribe to the Warrior Mind Podcast HERE.

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  • GoogleTV
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