The Reasons People Are Not Living Their Dream Life
This post may depress you a bit because of the information it contains. I am using this to explain the reasons in detail why so many people are not enjoying their ideal dream life today. This explanation does not paint a lovely picture.
However, in the end it may uplift your spirits. You might exclaim, “Oh, this is what is going on in my life!” or something similar. The reason we are not enjoying our dreams is within our inner being. However, we blame this fact on things, events, and people rather than on ourselves.
Your Dream Life
Furthermore, when we do understand the fact that our inner beings are the reason for this issue, we also begin to understand that only we are the only creatures in the universe capable of changing to get our dream life. Through changing, we also start to know the options that are open to us, the power this gives us, and the knowledge that we are in charge of our dreams, our future and our lives.
This originally was just going to be an informative blog post, but this information then was turning out to be the ideal post to you to read. However, my life got in the way! I had plans to write diligently, but time quickly got away from me!
I also had plans to bring you many humorous, poignant, and touching examples about individuals accomplishing great things, but I did not get to the part of talking to these individuals about their dream life. I had other plans to provide many inspirational quotes to help you picture my thoughts more fully. I forgot the quote book in the library and had to write this chapter without it at the lecture hall here in Bend, Oregon.
I had plans to turn this post into such a readable, informative piece that you would be reading it on your electronic device or buy the paper copy for your reading purposes. In addition, you would even exclaim, “I am sure having fun reading this informative post!”
However, there was a movie I just had to watch on cable last night! I had plans to write this chapter about living a dream life when the movie was over, but was hungry for ice cream and had to go to the store for some. The ice cream made me so sleepy that I thought the morning would be a better time for writing.
I went to sleep and did not awake in time for an early start. I then had to eat breakfast out because there was no food in the house. After breakfast, I went to the aquarium for some inspiration and then ate lunch. When I got home, I needed a nap and thought I would write in the evening about attaining your dream life. However, I was sidetracked with a TV docudrama and then it was suppertime.
After supper, I my friends invited me to go to a movie at the local theater and I did not want to let them down. I really did want to see this particular movie too and I was planning to write the chapter when I got home, BUT then the thought of ice cream once again entered my mind.
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Here I go again with that naughty word “BUT” that seeps into our thoughts and speech to keep us from our goals! It is a counterproductive word and thought to attaining our dream life! This makes us limit our productivity without even realizing what is happening. Let’s examine the use of “but” in a sentence.
“I would like to go for a walk, but the wind is blowing too hard.” The word “but” typically means for us to ignore any of the positive thoughts placed before it and the real truth is as follows. The word “BUT” could also be the acronym for “Behold the Underlying Truth”. (Also, this of “buts” being abbreviated as BS.)
The real truth is that you will not go on that walk. Your lie is that you ever were thinking about it in the first place. (This will keep you from a dream life.) The fact is you really just wanted to sit watch TV and you only blamed it on the wind to keep from taking the walk.
Here is where some close relatives of the word “but” come in at and these are “try” and “if only”. “I will try to go for a walk outside if only the wind would die down.” Another example would be “I would be outside walking now if only there was no wind at all blowing. I will try to walk outside tomorrow.”
Of course, you may then be too tired, too sore, too busy, too _____________ (whatever you want this blank to say that keeps you from your dream life), or all of us may not feel good enough to do what we need to do! But, (there is that word again) even when all is as it should be, we should remember about the wolf at our door!
I am speaking about the “yes, but” that we often use in statements. This use of “but” allows us to overlook our own positive advice. We could even use a hyphenated “yes-but” when overlooking the effective advice from friends and family members.
- “We need to pay our electric bill today.”
- “Yes-but, we have to wait until next week’s pay.” (Remember, this yes-but could delay you attaining your dream life.)
- We could get the cash for this off the credit card.”
- “Yes-but, we are over out limit.”
- “We have no heat!”
- “Yes-but, we have plenty of blankets.”
These arguments have no limitations, as we keep them going. Yes-but translates to “Reason why we have our limitations.” YES-BUT also is an acronym for both “Your Evaluation is Superb” and “Behold the Underlying Truth”.
Not only is it counterproductive for individuals to use a whole string of “yes-buts”, but also it is foolish for people to keep spouting excellent advice to those who are indifferent to this advice on how to attain a dream life. “Yes-but, we just thought if we said it again that it may finally sink in this time to make things different.”
Results or Reasons?
We have two choices in life namely results or reasons, accomplishments or excuses, or successes or tales. We have either that which we desire, or we have definite reasons why we could not attain our desires.
We use our minds as powerful disposals. What do we mean by this? Instead, of us removing the obstacles to our dreams, we let our mind rid us of our dreams. In the same amount of time it takes for a minds to come up with valid excuses, it could come up with an effective plan for attaining our dream life with no excuses necessary.
But, John Kenneth Galbraith feels that people would rather prove they do not need to change their minds in place of making the change in their thinking! As long as I am talking about our minds, let me give your mind something to think about in your mind. What is preventing you from enjoying a life with purpose, passion, and power (in other words your dream life)?
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