Qigong for Life Balance, Wellness and Mindfulness
Are wondering what qigong is and how it helps you attain wellness and life balance?
Qigong – Discover How it Improves Your Life and Mindfulness
One of the main purposes for mindfulness practice is to gain an understanding of Aniccha (impermanence). There is an important connection between the Aniccha with mindfulness to Qi (a Taoist concept) as it is practiced in East Asian martial arts and medicine. These both aim for the same thing, but with different methods that complement each other.
We just focus on normal experiences through mindfulness practice such as our internal voice, mental images, and emotional and physical body sensations. Through this practice, these mundane things turn into extraordinary experiences. Sensations and thoughts transform into a fluid energy that contracts, expands, vibrates and even undulates through the body. This is “qi”.
The practice of qigong begins at the opposite end. This involves ways to activate the fluid-energy experience. The combination of both practices will bring you the best of both practices. Training in Buddhist Mindfulness enhances our skills of awareness and this permits us to feel fully the vibratory, energy-filled experience. Then qigong gently activates this energy and through the practice of mindfulness, practitioners can detect this gentle activation easier.
Health is linked with a balanced, smooth and plentiful qi flow through all the meridians. On the flipside, disease happens when the flow of qi is stagnated, imbalanced or deficient to the meridians. The practice of qigong works on improving the energy to remove deficiencies on top of improving the flow of energy this help to create harmony with life force using the meridians of the mind and body.
Because mindfulness teaches us to open up instead of close up with our inner body and mind experience, it enhances and enriches the processes performed with the practice of qigong. When we combine these Taoist and Buddhist disciplines, we enhance our awareness of our inner nature and increase the possibility for extreme healing.
Qigong is a health system of energy and healing medicine that dates back to ancient Chinese history. People practice this system to maintain their health and to increase their vitality and healing. It involves gentle movements and special breathing techniques. This practice also involves meditation for cleansing, circulating and strengthening Qi. Traditional practice of Qigong helps practitioners quiet their minds and achieve increased vitality and health.
Mindfulness helps us develop a total awareness of our feelings, actions and thoughts for every moment of our lives. It makes us fully aware and present in our experiences. Mindfulness is basically self-awareness. People do become aware of their inner selves. Attaining the mindfulness state is also that of attaining self-awareness without any negative emotions.
[color-box]You will experience the power of Qigong at Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior Intensive. Find out more HERE[/color-box]
Consciously being aware without negative emotions is basically, what I call passive observation. When we attain mindfulness, we become very self-aware and this in the moment we also become non-judgmental in our observations. We just want to experience and accept the moment in time. Passively observing with performing meditation allows us to become more aware throughout our daily lives.
We will now examine how these two meditation forms complement each other. Qigong includes many of the same things that mindfulness meditation does, even though it is not traditionally thought of in this manner. This can be combined with mindfulness easily since while you exercise, you have conscious awareness of how your thoughts, breath and movements interact with each other.
The practice of qigong teaches us how to release our thoughts in a non-judgmental manner. This discipline includes more that basic movements, as it also includes breathing and mental elements. When all three of these things are combined, we start to understand what mindfulness truly is. Qigong incorporates many aspects of mindfulness in it, even though, it is not thought of as a conventional form of mindfulness meditation.
Many challenges exist today for us to try to have consistent, solid and effective boundaries, on top of maintaining satisfactory health that is it nice to know there is something out there that can help. Through participating in qigong on a daily basis, we can understand how to prioritize our lives is such a way as it allows us to place our health first on our list of what is important. After all, when our body becomes ill, the rest of life just does not matter does it?
This discipline is composed of special breathing, meditation and some simple movement of the body. Most people perfect this discipline quite easily. Even though, you need to go to a class with a teacher to perfect this discipline, it is more important just to begin and continue to learn this easy discipline.
Qigong is an ideal method for restoring balance back to our lives. We need to turn to this, whenever we feel we are feeling too stressed, lacking balance, not eating or exercising correctly.
Qigong may just be the answer for you if you are searching for more life balance along with better wellness and health!