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Warrior Mind Podcast



The Art of Goal Setting: Warrior Mind Podcast #164

Why do we set goals?

To change something in our lives.

The mind, i.e. ego, doesn’t like change so it has two boundaries to keep you in check.  They are the mental support line and the mental resistance line.

Your mind (ego) will let you play as much as you want in this area (complement zone), but as soon as you try to change something that requires you to move beyond these boundaries look out!

So, with goal setting we need to be aware of this line of mental resistance.

Keeping all this in mind here is an outline for goal setting, goal getting and making the behavior a habit.

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Enjoy This Warrior Mind Podcast on Goal Setting

Goal Setting Outline

  • Setting Goals
    • Goal setting (conscious mind)
    • Goal getting (unconscious mind)
      • If you’re getting something other than what you want, your unconscious mind is controlling your actions.
  • Achievable Outcome
    • What do you want your life to look like one year from now?
  • SMARTER goal
    • 4 SMARTER goals
      • 1, 3, 6 and 9 months
  • Sticky Goal
    • Memorable (not much thought process)
    • Link to specific goal triggers
    • Easy to visualize
    • Tangible
  • Motivation in goal setting
    • Intrinsic
    • Extrinsic
    • Away
      • Most common
      • Lose
    • Towards
      • More people are oriented to this (work better)
      • Gain
      • How to get there?
        • How many goals are competing for time
        • Goal hierarchies
          • Abstract to concrete
          • Asking “why” chinks up “for what purpose” i.e. improve self-image
            • Be kind
    • Asking “how” chunks down to behavior, what can I do?, i.e. shovel snow
    • How and why uses both “sides” of the brain, separate ways of thinking
    • Why = long term picture
    • How = short time behaviors
  • Implantation intentions
    • If “X” happens then do “Y” (predetermine behavior ahead of time)
    • Decrease distractions and perceived barriers
    • Focus on the road not the destination
  • Meta-Cognition in goal setting
    • Links how and way
    • Links if this and then do that
    • Mindful of your own thinking
    • Maintenance
      • Reward
        • Brains sensitive to anticipated reward
        • Brain goal is to predict rewarding outcomes and link them to specific behaviors or situations.
        • Rewards turn one-time behavior into habit
  • How to make this a habit?
    • Frequent repetition
    • Stable cues  (anchor and trigger)(context, people, tangible)
    • Eventually becomes independent of reward
    • Goal cues link to different parts of the brain  – links to behavior – links to reward – reward reinforces behavior
    • Once habit is formed, behaviors will be:
      • highly efficient
      • feel effortless
      • require no intention
      • outside of awareness
      • outside of control
    • Rewards in Goal Setting
      • Deliberately reward behaviors you want to see more often (small victories)
    • Habit
      • Choose simple, easy to recognize goal cues (green light) to foster habits.
    • Automatically
    • Best when the means to achieve the goals are assessable
  • Meaning
    • How will my life change
    • Behavior
      • What
      • Where
      • When
      • How
      • Imagination
        • Success
          • Disassociated
  • Obstacles
    • Associated
    • Self-Talk
      • Critical
      • Compassionate
      • Energy Management
        • Anchors
        • Triggers

Goal setting questions to answer:

  • What is my most important goal?
  • What is my deepest motivation for realizing this goal?
  • What specific action can I take to honor this motivation?
  • When, where and how am I willing to take this action?
  • What is the biggest obstacle in taking this action?
  • What action will I take to overcome this obstacle?
  • What do I want to keep the same?
  • What will I have if I accomplish this?
  • What won’t I have if I accomplish this?
  • What will I have if I don’t accomplish this?
  • What won’t I have if I don’t accomplish this?

You are your biggest supporter.

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