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Mental Strength



Do We Really Think That Differently?

The power to change the world lies in the ability to align one’s thoughts and actions, and to resist emotions that pull one back into the familiar past. When a vision is so alive in the mind that it seems real today, the environment must change to prepare for the new experience” – Joe Dispenza, D.C.

WOW!! What a powerful statement.  Go back and read this again, there are some very subtle points in this that can be overlooked or worse yet that dreaded phrase might come up…”I know that”

Let’s take the first key section – ‘…the ability to align one’s thoughts and actions…”  I think we can all agree that without action nothing happens, right?  Well how often have you thought one thing and did the other, then did NOT get the result you wanted?  That’s because your thoughts and action we not aligned.

Hold on now…when we think about something or are making a decision about something, we are using past experiences to make that decisions.  The brain is e-wired bases on our experiences.

So when we are making a decision we are unconsciously making the same decisions…are thoughts take the path of least resistance, that is the Nero-pathways developed by our PAST thinking and actions.  Do you see, hey have no where else to go!  And we wonder why our lives aren’t they way excepted, they are the way with think them.

This is where the next part of the statement comes in, “…resist the emotions to pull back into the familiar past.”   Our thoughts will bring up feelings and these feelings (emotions) will drive our behavior. If we keep thinking the same way we will keep accessing the same emotions….you see where this is going?

Now for the last part, “When a vision is so alive in the mind that it seems real today, the environment must change to prepare for the new experience.” Yes, this does mean visualization. I know…not again with the visualization!  Listen up…this info comes from a doctor in Neuroscience, this is not some airy-fairy stuff; this is VERY REAL!

Listen this…there as a study conducted where men would mentally perform bicep curls for one a few minutes everyday.  After the study was concluded the men showed an average increase in muscle size by 13%…all this without ever lifting a weight!

Come on now…this is good stuff!

So, if this “stuff” has been scientifically proven to work why doesn’t everyone do it?

Great question!

Well we are all creatures of habits and habits do die hard and thinking is a habit.  Here a short list to help you with the creation of a new life, and let me tell you it will take mental strength to do this.
1.    Consciously and purposefully set aside time solely for the purpose of visualization creation, no more then 5 minutes, otherwise you’ll end up hassling it.
2.    Give it time.  It took you your entire live to create the life you have now, expect it take sometime to “rewire” your brain
3.    ‘Visualize’ with all your modalities, i.e. what does you vision look, hear, sound, taste, feel like…make it a rich experience.
4.    Be curious.  After you’re done with the exercise ask yourself, “I’m curious to see how my vision will start to show up today?” This will be prepare the soil of your mind to “see” the effects of the cause (the visualization)
5.    Be prepared and aware.  Become open and aware to start to see the results of the question above

If you have the mental strength and are ready for a change, know exactly what, committed to starting and finishing what you start, then your ready for a bold new world!

If you have a doubt, that’s OK, start with a “small” vision, .i.e. a cup of tea or coffee. Once you have success with that you’ll have the confidence to move on.

The big question is…are you ready?  I mean REALLY ready for the change?

To You Inner Strength,

You are your biggest supporter.

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