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Mental Strength



Change Your Life – The Rise and Fall of Familiarity

Let’s face it…people like what’s familiar.  After all, what ever you did yesterday kept you alive, and most likely will mental strengthwork today. We are naturally inclined to use old habits of behavior and thought for survival and personal performance.  

This is a double edge sword.

If what you’re doing is more then just keeping you alive and helps you get closer to your goal, then fantastic!  If however what you’ve been doing is simply keeping the status quo, well you might as well kiss you dreams of personal success good-bye!

The funny thing is that we may think we’re doing something new, but when you take a deeper look at this action, it’s simply relabeled by our ego.  After all, change is very disturbing to the ego and it will do everything in its power to make you believe you are doing something new, when in reality you’re doing the same old, same old.

I talk about this phenomenon in my e-book “Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior” and call the ego the ‘great trickster.’  It will trick you into believing that you are doing something new just so that we can get the same results and keep the ‘great trickster’ happy.

This is where mental strength comes in.  If you’re felling very different about a specific action, i.e. fear, avoidance or even anxiety, this is a good, keep doing it.

Also, when you’ve been doing something new for a while (whether it’s going to the gym, tidying your desk or changing your thinking) its typically smooth sailing until you start to change. Then your nervous system sets off the alarm bells, and you start to feel like you start making up a ton of excuses like “I can’t be bothered to do it anymore.”

This is the signal that it’s working. When you feel that ‘can’t be bothered’ feeling, pat yourself on the back. What you’re doing differently is working, and you’ve got evidence…now go do more of it!

Remember, people like what’s familiar, so if you’re feeling comfortable in your current situation use your mental strength, program your subconsciousness mind and take different and unique action.  This will improve your personal performance and get you closer to your personal success.

OK, how do feel about this?  Please let me know in the comments below

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