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Warrior Mind Podcast



Bouncing Back After You Fail: Warrior Mind Podcast #430

Over four years and going strong!  With over 800,000 downloads from over 9 countries and 5 continents’…. this is the Warrior Mind Podcast.

In this episode of the Warrior Mind Podcast I’m going to discuss how to bounce back after what you think is a failure and how to keep moving forward.

What To Do When You Fail

It’s never someone’s thirst to fail neither does anyone wish not to be successful. It is everybody’s wish to be successful in whatever they do although this has never been the case in many circumstances. Some of our failures are as a result of our own mistakes and others just come naturally without our consent. 

Failure is not necessarily failing in exams, no, you can start a business and end up failing and also you can fail a job interview. I can guarantee you one thing and that is, you cannot be a failure in life just because you have failed in one or two things.

Enjoy this podcast on bouncing back after you fail


Most of the people get distressed when they fail something that they had hoped to achieve. This feeling is always normal, and everyone undergoes through that as well. In most circumstances, this always affects us psychologically and it is beyond our control. What do you do when you fail?

  • You need to find sometime alone and in a quiet place, compose yourself by taking a deep breath with your eyes closed, bring that picture of the whole thing that you never achieved, think of the mistakes that you did and deterred you from getting what you wanted, now open your eyes and visual your world. Tell yourself, “Failure is the beginning of success and am not the first and I will never be the last to fail and failure is not permanent.”
  • Every day when you wake up tell yourself, “I am a success” and when saying these words, make sure you mean the words and not saying just for the sake of saying and have faith that it’s going to be possible.
  • Remember that the word failure is a noun and not a verb meaning that failure is not constant and will not be a failure whole of your life. Remember the ball is in your court and its upon you to play your cards well.
  • Finally, and most crucial is trying. It’s never been that easy to get what you want. You have to keep on trying over and over again and this is very crucial to everyone. Always remember, the sky is not the limit but only one of the checkpoints in life. In the process of trying, keep it in your mind that you are in the process of fulfilling your goals.

When you meet your goals do not just relax, remember failure is down there waiting for you. Keep waiting higher and higher knowing that it’s not yet over until it’s over.

The most successful people in life at some point failed. In life, no one gets what they have always wanted in a silver point, and in case you get everything without struggling, then there is a problem somewhere. Albert Einstein once said, “Anyone who has never made a mistake, never tried anything.”

For a more in-depth discussion about this topic request your Introductory Consultation.

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