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Warrior Mind Podcast



Stop Playing the Victim: Warrior Mind Podcast #336

Over four years and going strong!  With over 500,000 downloads from over 9 countries and 5 continents’…. this isvictim the Warrior Mind Podcast.

In this episode of the Warrior Mind Podcast I’m going to talk about an epidemic…playing the victim. More and more people are playing the victim and I’m going to give you some signs to look for.

Review – 10 Mental Strength Principles of Successful Living

  • Cause and Effect
  • Results vs. Excuses
  • Perception is projection
  • Responsible for results
  • Excuses into reasons
  • Mind and body connection
  • To learn you must take action
  • The response is the meaning of your communication
  • Behavioral flexibility
  • Act as if

What does all this mean?

Stop playing the victim!

Victim Mentality

Victim mentality is an acquired personality trait in which a person tends to recognize themselves as a victim of the negative actions of others and circumstances, and to behave as if this were the case in the face of clear evidence of such circumstances.

Victim mentality depends on clear thought processes and attribution. In most cases, those with a victim mentality have in fact been the victim of wrongdoing by others or have otherwise suffered misfortune through no fault of their own; however, such misfortune does not necessarily imply that one will respond by developing a pervasive and universal victim mentality where one frequently or constantly realizes oneself to be a victim.

The term is also used in reference to the tendency for recognizing one’s misfortunes on somebody else’s misdeeds, which is also referred to as victimism.

Victim mentality is primarily developed, for example, from family members and situations during childhood. Similarly, criminals often engage in victim thinking, believing themselves to be moral and engaging in crime only as a reaction to an immoral world and furthermore feeling that police are unfairly singling them out for persecution.


Enjoy this podcast on stop playing the victim

Ways to Recognize You’re Playing the Victim

  • Blaming
  • Complaining
  • Justifying
  • You feel captive by your circumstances
  • You feel you lack any control over your present circumstances
  • You cite your confusion as a reason for not taking action
  • You don’t listen others tell you, directly or indirectly, that they think you could have done more to achieve better results
  • You find yourself pointing fingers
  • Your discussion on problems focus more on what you can’t do, instead of what you can do
  • You fail to confront the toughest issues you face
  • You resist asking or hearing probing questions about your own accountability
  • You feel you’re being treated unfairly and you believe you can’t do anything about it
  • You repeatedly find yourself on the defense
  • You avoid the people, meetings, and situations that require you to report on your responsibilities
  • You deflect your responsibilities onto others
  • You spend valuable time creating a story why you’re not at fault
  • You generally have a pessimistic view of the world
  • You don’t take responsibility
  • You hold onto grudges
  • You have trouble being assertive (but sometimes you are aggressive)
  • You don’t trust others
  • You get into arguments easily
  • You feel sorry for yourselves

You Can’t Improve What You Can’t Measure

The Mental Toughness Questionnaire is an assessment that determines someone’s Mental Strength…at this moment.   The questionnaire also provides tips on improving your Mental Strength.  You can request the Mental Toughness Assessment by going to

Request an Introductory Consultation right now if you wish to learn additional information on expectations, confidence and acceptance.

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