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Mental Strength



7 Keys to an Achievable Outcome

Most people in life don’t get what they want because they actually don’t know what they want.   In a previous postmental strength “Sticking vs. Quitting” I gave a formula for determining what you want.

Once a person has determined what they want the usual formal for setting a goal is to make it SMART and in my coaching I like ad an “ER” to make it SMARTER.  For those that are not familiar with SMARTER goals the acronym

S =        Specific and simple

M =      Measurable and meaningful to you

A =       As if now and achievable – check on all areas of your life

R =       Realistic, responsible (ecological)

T =        Timed bound, toward what you want

E =        Evaluate and examine results

R =       Revise and regroup

I’d like to take goal setting a little deeper and discuss the 7 keys to an achievable outcome.

You might be asking doesn’t SMARTER goals take care of outcomes?

Well yes and no.

SMARTER goals give you a formula for setting them, the 7 keys to an achievable is kind of like a virus scan…making sure the goal is “clean.”   After all, there’s nothing worse then an infected goal is there?

The 7 Keys to an Achievable Outcome

1 – Stated in the positive

  • Key Points:
    • What you want vs. what you don’t want – Many people make the mistake of saying what they DON’T want. i.e. I don’t want to be fat, I don’t want to be poor.  This is OK if you’re stuck to start the process. However to establish an achievable outcome you’d then take a 180 degree perspective of what you don’t want and ask, “What do I want?”
    • Move toward vs. away from  –  The other part of this is when you say want you don’t want you are actually moving away from a goal.  Once you get far enough from that goal the motivation is gone and a person will spiral back down to where they started.  Move away from goals have very inconsistent results, where as move towards goals have consistent and results.

2 – Self-initiated, self-maintained and in my control

  • Key Points:
    • Am I doing this for myself or someone else – Are you losing weight because YOU want to, or your doctor told you to?  With out an invested personal interest in the outcome the odd of achieving it are slim to none…and slim just left town.
    • Does the outcome rely solely on me? – Is the outcome dependent on you alone or it’s it also dependent on an outside force?  Let’s take loosing weight as an example.  If you’re dependent on your trainer to give you your work out and take you through the process, is the outcome up to you alone?  No…what would happen if your trainer get’s sick and can’t make the appointment.  Now please….by all means use a trainer…they’re fantastic!  However, understand that the outcome has to rely on you and you alone.  If your trainer gets sick, you still workout…get it?

3 – Specific evidence procedure

  • Key Points:
    • How will I know that I am getting the outcome? – What evidence will you need to show you’re getting closer to the outcome, i.e. losing weight, bank account increasing.  Without a signs to look for you may find yourself so of course that it will be impossible to make corrections (the last “R” in SMARTER)
    • What will I be doing when I get it? – What will I see, hear and feel when I have it? – When you do achieve your outcome be specific use all your sense, i.e. feeling, hearing, smelling etc.  The more graphic the picture the better.  This type of detailed picture will create a future pull for you unconscious mind to move towards.

4 – Context clearly defined

  • Key Points:
    • Context of goal clearly definedWhere, when, how and with who do I want it?  – The clearer the description of context of the outcome the better.  Where will the goal be when you achieve your goal, when will this happen, who else do you want to be involved in this goal.  The difference between this step and Step 3 is this step gives the picture of what it will look like when you achieve your goal and Step 3 is more concerned on how will you know you’re on your way.

5 – Identify needed resources

  • Key Points:
    • This is pretty clear and many people over look this step. Take a look at the recourses you have and what else would you need to get your outcome?  Ask yourself – What resources do I have now? What resources do I need to acquire? Do I evidence of achieving this (or similar) before? (Have you ever achieved anything even remotely similar to your goal?) What would happen if I act as if I have all the resources required?  This last question is great!  People will often say I feel great WHEN I hit my goal.  How about feeling great before you hit your goal so that you WILL hit your goal.  Act as if you already have it.

6 – Is it ecological?

  • Key Points:
    • When setting goals many people don’t take into consideration what and who else will be affected.  This step will help you determine the ramifications, is any, of your goal.  Some questions to ask about your goal are:
      • Is it good for me, good for others, good for “community”
      • Who else will be affected by this?
      • What do I want to keep the same? – This is a big one!  Goals affect all areas of our life.  By looking at what you want to keep the same you’ll be able to determine if this is an appropriate goal.  
      • What is the real purpose why I want this?
      • What will I lose or gain if I have it?
      • What will happen if I get it?
      • What won’t happen if I get it?
      • What will happen if I don’t get it?
      • What won’t happen if I don’t get it?

7 – Identify the first step to take and take it

  • Key Points:
    • This seems pretty obvious but it needs to be included because it creates action!  And nothing happens without action.  By identifying the very first step to take you are already on your way to achieving you goal!  That’s fantastic isn’t it?  Now take the next step and then next and before you know it….your goal is accomplished.  Now on to the next one!
    • Remember…“The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step” Lao-Tzu

By following these steps you’re personal performance will not only improve, but your mental strength, discipline and personal empowerment.  Imagine who it would feel to KNOW that every SMART goal you set can be an achievable outcome!

OK…it’s your turn…I’d really like hear your feedback about these steps and how you’re going to use them in your life in the comment section below.

You are your biggest supporter.

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