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Mental Strength



5 Mental Strength Tips For Personal Success in 2011

I like to review the year that has past and take what was useful with me into the next one.  Here are 5 tips that you personal performancemay want to bring with you into 2011.

1 – Develop Powerful Rituals – We all have four main energy systems; physical, mental emotional and spiritual. During the day we expend much of the energy in the mental and emotional but not so much for the physical and spiritual.  Develop rituals that will expand and renew these four energy systems.

 2 – Move Beyond Your Comfort Zone – Just like a stock that keeps hitting a level of resistance and never breakthrough and increase in value, we too hit our heads on our limiting beliefs and never realize our full potential.  Purposefully push yourself and expand your comfort zone…have fun with it…like going into McDonalds and ordering Chinese food 🙂

 3 – Understand Your Values – Our values determine were we put our attention and energy. They are what give us motion.  If your results are different then your goals, take an inventory of your values; they may be “misaligned” in accordance to your goals.

4 – Develop Your Travel Plan – If you were going on vacation you’d make travel plans right?  You’d know where you were going, when you’d leave, and when you’d get there.  Set your destination for 2011and develop your travel plans to get there.  Think of 2011 as an adventure…a safari…an expedition, and you design your specific travel plans for living it and getting to your exotic destination!

5 – Bestow Blessings – During your journey this next year bestow all that you see with blessings, especially those individuals that possess what you want/desire.  Your unconsciousness mind can’t tell the difference when you bless yourself or someone else, so when you bless others you are blessing yourself at the same time.  This in turn will create an energy for “attracting” and receiving what you are blessing      

By purposefully following these mental strength tips for personal success you will be able to experience your true power and reach new heights in personal performance

I’d like also share some thoughts on reflecting on the past year by Napoleon Hill.

“Once a year we should take a retrospective view of life to see what useful knowledge we have gathered.

In my inventory of the past year’s experiences I find much to guide me in the future. Among other lessons which Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-one has taught me are the following:

First: That it pays to perform more service and better service than one is paid to perform.

Second: That the destroyer is, in turn destroyed, usually by the reaction of his own destructive efforts.

Third: That Time is the friend of the man who is right and the enemy of the man who is wrong at heart, no matter how clever he may be in the art of deception.

Fourth: That every effect has a cause, and, that the effect corresponds, in nature, to the cause.

Fifth: That like attracts like; that one can no more saturate his mind with thoughts of selfishness, fear and failure and still succeed than he could sow thistles and reap clover.

Sixth: That the Golden Rule is more powerful than the Rule of Gold.

Seventh: That happiness comes only from helping others find it.

I approach my work for the coming year with renewed faith in the philosophy of the foregoing seven paragraphs, and, with positive evidence that I will get out of life exactly in proportion to what I put into it”. – Source: Napoleon Hill’s Magazine. January, 1922. Text located on inside front cover.

Please let me know what adventure you plan to create in 2011 in the comments below.

  • Mental Strength Tip #21 – Creating vs. Competing for Personal Success (
  • Mental Strength and The Law of Cosmic Habitforce (
  • You Are The Tip of The Spear For Your Own Personal Success (
  • Keep Your Mouth Shut For Personal Success (
  • Beliefs, Mental Strength and Personal Success (
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